The Health Benefits of Juicing

Juicing is separating the juice of a fruit or vegetable from its fiber. It is a way to receive optimum nutritional benefit from the fruits and vegetables we eat.

Although there is value in eating raw fruits and vegetables, juicing provides a means to ensure we are able to ingest and absorb the maximum amount of nutrients available.

How healthy is juicing? 

Studies show juice can provide most of the basics of human nutrition, including carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals, as well as phytonutrients (plant medicines) and enzymes.

A diet without fresh, raw vegetable juices is deficient. This is because when raw vegetables are consumed instead of juices, a large amount of them are used as energy during the digestion and absorption processes.

On the other hand, juices are ingested and assimilated within fifteen minutes. This enables the nutrients to be used almost in their entirety for the nourishment of the cells.

Note: To get the most health benefits, drink the juice immediately after extracting it from the vegetables and fruits. If juices sit for even half an hour, they begin to lose nutrients due to oxidation.

A patented juicing process by The AIM Companies saves practically all the nutrients in the juice. It's then turned into a powder, for easy consumption.

P.S. In 1982, The AIM Companies pioneered the use of plants, such as barley grass, carrots and beets, to deliver to the body concentrated nutrition. They developed a way to juice these plants and air dry them, preserving the maximum amount of nutrients.

It's then made easy to consume, in the form of veggie capsules or powder.

To learn why juicing is the best vitamin supplement, Click Here.
Paul Eilers is an Independent Member of The AIM Companies™