The Power of Enzymes

Enzymes are a type of protein made up of amino acids. They're a catalyst that either cause a chemical reaction or speed it up. Enzymes:
  • Are required for every single chemical reaction in your body.
  • Are responsible for destroying viruses and bacteria. They can also break down the walls of cancer cells, allowing your immune system to get at them and kill them. 
  • Are most likely absent from your diet, almost totally. The standard American diet (SAD) contains almost none. 
  • Were first proposed in 1906 by Scottish embryologist John Beard as a major defense against cancer.
  • May be the missing piece of the puzzle if you take antioxidants, vitamins and minerals and you are still not well. 
Scientists have identified more than 3,000 enzymes in the human body. They may very well be the missing ingredient for your good health.

Digestive enzymes break your food down, bit by bit, piece by piece… reducing it to its smallest and most basic elements. Your body then uses these basic elements to build bone and tissue, repair damage, or burn them for energy.

As you can imagine, this is a complex process and things can easily go wrong. In fact, enzyme deficiencies are either the main or secondary cause in a long list of illnesses.

If you eat a lot of cooked food, you are consuming food that's missing enzymes, as heat tends to kill most of them.  On the other hand, raw foods are high in enzymes.

If we lived in a perfect world, everyone would eat fresh, raw foods and we'd seldom need an enzyme supplement. Raw foods are naturally high in enzymes and full of other vital nutrients as well.

But the vast majority of Western foods are cooked and processed, which effectively kills all their enzymes. Anything that's been heated above 117 to 118 degrees Fahrenheit is essentially dead. There's nothing alive in that fast food meal you had for lunch. 

But even home-cooked meals can contain all-dead foods, at least in terms of enzymes.

Does that make you wonder what an enzyme-free diet is doing to you?

To learn more about enzymes, Click Here.
Paul Eilers is an Independent Member of The AIM Companies™