Most Vitamins Made in China

Did you know China is one of the largest exporters of drugs and vitamins?

Ninety percent of all vitamin C sold in the United States is from China.

The Chinese also produce fifty percent of the world’s aspirin as well as thirty-five percent of all Tylenol.

The same can be said for the majority of vitamins A, B12 and E.

When it comes to the Chinese vitamin market, how safe are these supplements?

The industry in China appears to be split between top-notch operations and bottom-of-the-barrel producers.

The United States does not require country-of-origin labels for drugs, foods or supplements. How do you know the original source of your vitamins?

China also suffers from the same conflict of interest seen in the United States. Regulators have a financial interest in the industries they are supposed to regulate, inspect and protect.

So how safe are your vitamins?

To learn more, Click Here.
Paul Eilers is an Independent Member of The AIM Companies™