"There is hope for our kids. They don’t have to be trapped inside their own minds."

At the end of the 2014-15 school year for 3rd grade, my daughter Kayla was tested and diagnosed as having a language processing disorder.

School work was very difficult for her, and it became increasingly difficult to keep her attention. Homework was taking hours at night.

The special education teacher recommended ADD and ADHD medication, but I didn’t feel that was the best way to help Kayla. I was sure that I could find a better solution to help her out from the cage her mind was in.

I decided to change our family’s eating habits. I started reading labels and almost completely cut out sugar and processed foods. I was very careful to buy organic wherever possible, and we tried to limit gluten.

The following school year, Kayla started speech and language therapy twice a week and was showing signs of improvement.

However, at home she was still struggling with homework and hated going to school. We would both end up in tears by the time I dropped her off to school.

By the end of the year, I was at my wits’ end. It felt hopeless, but I was not going to give up on my daughter. I knew that she was trapped inside her mind, and I just needed to find the key to help her out.

That summer, I read everything I could get my hands on concerning ADD, ADHD and autism spectrum disorders.

It all clicked. The way she would flap her arms if she was excited, the way she couldn't sit still, but seemed to sit on the edge of her seat with her whole body contorted with tension, and the way she sat on the side at recess, while everyone else played together.

Everything I read spoke of a gut-brain connection.

From there I turned to AIM. I have been taking BarleyLife ever since my mom started me at age eight with barley juice powder.

It was my prenatal, and as soon as my kids could hold sippy cups, they started getting their Garden Trio every morning.

I opened a capsule of FloraFood into Kayla's Garden Trio every morning. In the afternoon, the kids would take their Herbal Fiberblend and fit ’n fiber mixture.

In the fall of 2016, her teacher noticed Kayla's attention span was much better. She was bringing home the average amount of homework for a 5th grader and all her classes seemed to be clicking.

At recess, she was even joining the other kids to play, and the smile was reaching her eyes.

She was still meeting with a therapist twice a week, but not showing much progress. So I incorporated PrepZymes into our daily routine. I would open the capsule right into her fiber mixture.

The result was almost instant.

Everything clicked and this spring, the therapist felt Kayla may be able to test out of special education as early as next fall. She’s meeting all her goals and even joined the volleyball team this spring.

She's happy and we haven't had a morning filled with tears all year.

There is hope for our kids. They don't have to be trapped inside their own minds.

Educate yourself. Get your whole family involved. Be strong and have faith. Our kids deserve it. Thank you, AIM." - Janeen Whitmer, Midland, Michigan

Testimonials should not be construed as representing results everybody can achieve. BarleyLife® and other AIM products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Results may vary per person.
Paul Eilers is an Independent Member of The AIM Companies™