"My recent exam showed I no longer need bifocals."

"I began wearing glasses for distance when I was in grade two. Each year, my eye exam showed a decline and lenses had to be changed.

As an adult, I continued to struggle with this, and then the time came when I was told I would need bifocals.

The year AIM introduced AIMega, I began taking it for the overall health benefits, not really thinking of how it might help my eyes.

However, my eyesight has improved ever since, in fact so much so that my recent exam this summer showed I no longer need bifocals. And the astigmatism is gone.

My optometrist also did an optomap retinal scan, capturing more than 80 percent of the retina in one panoramic image.

In addition to eye conditions, this test can also show signs of other diseases in the body long before you notice any changes. My test results were perfect, and my optometrist commented on how healthy my eyes are and the rest of me too.

Why has this happened? Every cell has a membrane around it, which can become rigid. This makes it very difficult for nutrients to get into the cell and for waste matter to get out.

AIMega's essential fatty acids help to keep that membrane pliable, so nutrition gets in and waste matter gets out. This is what I believe has happened with my eyes; the cells are absorbing and using the nutrients of this amazing product. So, if my eyes are benefiting, then I also know other cells in my body are as well.

I highly recommend everyone consider taking this product on a regular basis. I sure do! AIMega’s essential fatty acids help to keep that membrane pliable, so nutrition gets in and waste matter gets out.

This is what I believe has happened with my eyes; the cells are absorbing and using the nutrients of this amazing product." - Darlene Vandermey, Glen Allan, Ontario, Canada

P.S. Your body cannot make omega fatty acids on its own. These acids are essential for blood clotting and constructing cell membranes in the brain.

They've also been linked to good cardiovascular health as well as lower cholesterol.

That means omega fatty acid supplementation should be a priority for any healthy lifestyle.

To learn more about AIMega, Click Here.

Testimonials should not be construed as representing results everybody can achieve. AIMega® has not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or illness. Results may vary per person.
Paul Eilers is an Independent Member of The AIM Companies™