Woman with Multiple Sclerosis Feels Stronger in Two Days

"My name is Lorraine S. Grove and I have multiple sclerosis. I was lying in bed fairly regular; the fatigue was really bad, no energy. My husband was doing all the cleaning, cooking and laundry. He was driving me wherever I wanted to go. I was too tired to do anything.

At this point I wasn't sure what I was good for anymore. Depression was always around the corner. I could not take the Multiple Sclerosis medication. My body was not accepting it at all. I was on depression medication for many years prior to finding out about having Multiple Sclerosis.

Then in January, I met a very special lady named Melanie. She was a Member of The AIM Companies. We got to talking about the health and wellness products, and it sounded very interesting, but I had tried so many different types of health and good-for-you stuff, so I wasn’t too interested at this time. But we did have an enjoyable time visiting.

Don, another person I knew, came by my home three days later with products in hand.

"Would I please try these products?" he asked.

The sincerity and kindness I saw in his eyes prompted me to say that yes, I would try them one last time. I signed up with Don that day to receive the products wholesale.

I can honestly say that day became the best day of my life. Within two days, I began getting results and feeling stronger. I no longer spend my days in bed watching TV. First to leave was the heaviness, the fatigue. The walker was put back in the basement with the wheelchair. Neither is needed anymore.

Other things started changing as well, too many to put down on paper. A person doesn't realize how out of whack you are or how truly ill you were until you put good nutrition back into your body. How many people are out there who think their bodies are okay the way they are when all it takes is a little time and effort to make your life even better?

I'm back in the kitchen cooking again. I'm driving my car again and doing my own laundry. My husband is still helping with the heavier stuff in the home, bless his heart. I still tire, but it's a good tired.

I was only going to buy products for myself. I could not see me doing a business, but things just grow when you share a good thing. I now work two farmers markets and I help at a third market once in awhile.

I've been taking these products for seven months now and have nineteen customers. When the word just gets around that the products are truly amazing, only great things can happen. The products I started on that changed my life: BarleyLife, Just Carrots, RediBeets (Garden Trio®) Herbal Fiberblend, Herbal Release and AIMega." - Lorraine Grove, Camrose, Alberta

P.S. Since her testimonial was published, Lorraine visited her physician for a checkup. Here is the rest of her story:

"I saw my neurologist last Wednesday. November 17, 2010 in Edmonton. He said I had no M.S. symptoms in my body and he no longer needed to see me. I thank the Lord for sending The AIM Companies to me and for showing me the wonderful products."

Testimonials should not be construed as representing results everybody can achieve. Nutritional supplements from The AIM Companies™ are not intended to treat or prevent multiple sclerosis or any other disease. Results may vary per person.
Paul Eilers is an Independent Member of The AIM Companies™