"My Miracle" by Janet Pauly, R.N.

On July 31, 1980, during surgery, I was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, cancer of the lymph system.

Five days after surgery, I was sent to M. D. Anderson hospital in Houston. This is the University of Texas cancer treatment center, the largest of its kind in the world.

There I was told not only was my cancer widespread, but it was also incurable.

After four years of treatment that included investigational drugs, my doctor told me my disease was out of control and he had nothing more to offer me.

I was sent home without another appointment, but with his assurance that he would keep looking for something to help me.

All this time everyone I knew had been praying for me. But now I had to face the fact that I might become another cancer fatality, along with thousands of others.

But God wasn't finished with me yet. 

Shortly after this, I received a letter from a friend of mine in California, who is also a nurse. Included in her letter was a sandwich bag that contained some green powder, a brochure, and an audiotape.

My friend said she didn't know if she believed in this stuff or not, but was taking it and feeling good. She later told me she felt compelled to send me the green powder.

As a nurse, my orientation to medicine was conventional. I never took any kind of supplement and never went to health food stores.

Green powder was definitely not something that interested me. I probably wouldn't have tried it, if the Lord hadn't spoken to me and said to listen to the tape my friend had sent…but that's another story.

On the tape, I heard a woman tell about having breast cancer and what this green powder had done for her. Most stories that sound too good to be true are exactly that!

I thought this green powder must be some kind of quackery and fraud, though I wondered why the lady who was speaking would tell a story like this.

I sent off for the green powder and began taking it, only because I didn't have anything else to do for myself.

My largest tumor was under my left arm and was the size of a tennis ball. Four days after I started taking the green powder, this tumor began to soften and was my first tumor to go completely away.

Within a few months, all of my tumors were gone.

The Lord could have sent this green powder sooner, but He knew as long as the doctors had anything to offer me, I never would have tried it.

I was taught in nursing school we get all the nutrients we need in well-balanced meals. Our family ate healthfully, including vegetables, salads, and whole grains. I should have been getting everything my body needed to stay healthy.

The fact that my tumor began to soften after only four days on the green powder told me there was something in the green powder, perhaps yet unidentified, that my immune system needed, to begin to function effectively in my behalf.

I believe whatever this is may be difficult or impossible to get in our day-to-day diets, for whatever reason.

The bone marrow biopsy showed I had suffered bone marrow depression, due to all the radiation I'd been given. I was told this was permanent damage. All my blood components were low.

After being on the green powder for four months, I went back to the hospital and had a blood test. It was normal for the first time in four years! Subsequent bone marrow biopsy showed healthy bone marrow.

My doctor and I both attributed my remission from cancer and bone marrow recovery to the green powder.

Today I take BarleyLife, which I consider to be the best green juice powder on the market.

I continue to thank God every day for giving me thirty-three years of life after my cancer diagnosis."

Janet Pauly
Keene, Texas

P.S. On December 24, 2013, Janet Pauley passed away. She was 78 years old. 

After being told she had less than 3 years to live, she believed BarleyLife gave her another 30 years of life. 

To read the rest of her story, Click Here.

Testimonials should not be construed as representing results everybody can achieve. BarleyLife® is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Results may vary per person.
Paul Eilers is an Independent Member of The AIM Companies™