Bananas, Oranges and BarleyLife

- Bananas are very high in chromium, which helps with blood sugar levels, insulin and diabetes. Three servings of BarleyLife contains as much chromium as two bananas, without the carbohydrates.
- A carrot a day can reduce your risk of stroke by 86 percent. BarleyLife contains 2.5 times the beta carotene found in carrots.
- A weekly serving of broccoli lowers the risk of prostate cancer by 45 percent. BarleyLife contains 25 times the beta carotene and 15 times the calcium found in broccoli.
- According to German researchers, diets adequate in calcium have a 31 percent lower risk of a heart attack. BarleyLife has 7 times the calcium than spinach and 11 times the calcium than cows milk.
- Enzymes are the spark plugs of the body. Without them, you would be a bag of bones, unable to walk, talk, blink or breathe. BarleyLife has over a thousand different live enzymes.
- BarleyLife has as much folic acid as 2.5 oranges. Folic acid is a B vitamin, important for pregnant mothers and fetal development. It also provides benefits related to heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes and cancer.
- We need 400 mcg of folic acid per day. Three servings of BarleyLife provides 60 percent to 85 percent of the chromium Dietary Reference Intakes for adult males and females.