What Would You do to Lower Your Cholesterol by 81 Points?


All that Tami Cole had to do was add fit 'n fiber to her routine.

"I've been using fit 'n fiber for about six weeks," says Tami, from Raymond, New Hampshire.

"My cholesterol numbers went from 286 to 205, and I have no more sleep apnea or acid reflux! My primary doctor and Ob-gyn were so pleased; they want to know my secrets."

Her secret is common knowledge to AIM Members: combine the AIM products with a healthy lifestyle.

Packed with 12 grams of soluble fiber per serving, the fit 'n fiber formula is designed to cut down bad cholesterol, aid in healthy weight loss and improve cardiovascular health. 

High cholesterol was one of several health issues that Tami was enduring.

"Back in March, I started to really do some research on nutrition and why I wasn't feeling so good. My cholesterol was high and I had the beginnings of acid reflux and sleep apnea. I was tired all the time and had trouble with cramping and bloating and difficulty with bowel movements."

Tami's search for help took her a lot of different places.

"I changed my eating habits and added more fruits and vegetables, as well as cutting out white flour, sugar, and other simple carbohydrates and adding in whole or sprouted grain complex carbs, lean proteins, and beneficial fats. I also added some very good multivitamins and antioxidants.

"I must admit, I was feeling much better with just those changes, except I was still having trouble with hard stools and infrequent eliminations, possibly from my increase in protein. I had been using Herbal Fiberblend twice weekly for about six months, which did help some. I wasn't real crazy about the taste, but when I tried the fit 'n fiber, I found the taste was great!"

Herbal Fiberblend and fit 'n fiber work great as a team, helping users to easily attain daily fiber recommendations.

The insoluble fiber in Herbal Fiberblend works as a colon cleanser, while the soluble fiber in fit 'n fiber helps reduce appetite and lower cholesterol.

The fit 'n fiber does taste great, thanks to a natural orchard peach flavor.

Like other AIM supplements such as ProPeas, fit 'n fiber is sweetened naturally with stevia, a plant-based extract.

"I mix one scoop of fit 'n fiber with my BarleyLife Xtra every day and my stomach is not bloated and I don't strain during my bowel movements. It's a big relief to not have to strain to go. No loose stools or diarrhea - just normal elimination.

"I believe the improvements are from my lifestyle change in eating and also from a healthy digestive tract and colon thanks to AIM supplements.

"Thanks for fit 'n fiber. It is such a great product!"

Testimonials should not be construed as representing results everybody can achieve. fit 'n fiber® is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Results may vary per person.
Paul Eilers is an Independent Member of The AIM Companies™