Hair Continued To Grow Through Radiation Treatments

"In August 2008, I was diagnosed with Stage III breast cancer that had spread to the lymph nodes. My surgeon and oncologist wanted me to take four chemotherapy treatments before surgery. What a hard thing to give myself up to.

But with lots of prayer, God helped us through it. He said, "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee." 

He is true to His promises. After my second chemotherapy treatment, I was at a wedding when I met a total stranger - who lives 2,560 miles away - who told me about The AIM Companies. Suffice to say, we are no longer strangers, we are now friends.

I started taking the Garden Trio, PrepZymes and Proancynol 2000, plus Cellsparc 360, because the doctors found a heart murmur.

I took my AIM products to my oncologist and she said it was all right to use them. Bless her heart. How thankful we were.

My red blood cells, infection fighters and immune system stayed satisfactory. I lost all my hair - yes, I looked like "Mr. Clean." In November 2008, I had a mastectomy plus nine lymph nodes removed - seven were cancerous, but the good news was they were able to remove all the cancer. I had a very good recovery from surgery.

Six weeks after surgery, I went back to my oncologist to get ready for another four chemo treatments. My hair was growing back again, which had my nurses all cheering for me. My oncologist put her arm around my shoulder and said, "I hate to tell you, but you will lose your hair again." I took the four treatments, but I never lost any hair. It kept right on growing.

Thanks to BarleyLife, all my counts, except my white cells, stayed very good. All this amazed my doctor and nurses. I always said, "It's thanks to AIM."

I still had to take radiation, then a whole year of Hericeptin because of the other two growths on my cells. All this drained my body, but with the help of products from The AIM Companies, I kept going. I also use Herbal Fiberblend, fit 'n fiber and AIMega. I can't imagine how I would have fared through all this without the help of AIM.

Then a friend told me to use LeafGreens. It was almost unreal the difference I felt within two days. I felt better and had more energy than I’ve had for the last two-and-a-half years. I told my sister about LeafGreens. She wanted me to send some to her right away.

I give credit for my recovery to the products. But most of all I give thanks to our loving God, the final Healer. None of this would have helped me if it hadn't been God's will. We don't know what the future holds for us, but we do know Who holds the future." - Mary Miller, Peebles, Ohio

Note: Testimonials should not be construed as representing results everybody can achieve. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Results may vary per person.
Paul Eilers is an Independent Member of The AIM Companies™