Go Green with AIM Food Concentrates

In the world of plants, the color of life is green.

It's due to chlorophyll, the lifeblood of the vegetation of our planet. This greenery produces the oxygen in the air we breathe and provides a nutritious food source that can keep us healthy.

AIM makes it easy to go green with a variety of whole-food concentrates.


When The AIM Companies introduced the juice powder of barley grass to the world in 1982, no one could have predicted the lasting impact of these unparalleled greens on people’s health. 

Forty years later, BarleyLife continues to provide a balanced source of natural nutrients from one of the most nutritious grasses on the planet. Most importantly, BarleyLife is a juice concentrate (not dried, ground grass) giving you more green nutrition that is fully absorbable and usable by your body.

The alkalizing and anti-inflammatory effects are only two of the many health benefits of going green with BarleyLife. The abundant supply of vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll, antioxidants, phytonutrients, and enzymes in barley grass makes BarleyLife a bountiful food supplement. In fact, the number and types of natural nutrients in young barley plants have yet to be fully counted and identified, but you can count on BarleyLife greens to help maintain good health.

BarleyLife Xtra

Sometimes you want something extra, so one more green option is BarleyLife Xtra. Providing a sweet, fruity taste for children (or adults with a sensitive palate), BarleyLife Xtra packs an additional nutritious punch with the powders of eighteen fruits and vegetables.

Each 4.5 grams of powder contains a 4-gram serving of BarleyLife.

Best taken on an empty stomach (thirty minutes before a meal or at least two hours after eating), concentrated BarleyLife and BarleyLife Xtra powders are easily digested by your body and absorbed at the cellular level.

CoCoa LeafGreens

Not everyone appreciates the taste of greens, so a healthy taste of chocolate was added to create CoCoa LeafGreens.

Along with a delectable flavor, three types of cocoa powders provide a wealth of antioxidants and flavonoids to the already nutrient-dense LeafGreens mix. Over seven hundred healthy compounds are found in cocoa, supporting bone, heart, and cognitive health.

Those who can't wrap their minds around the thought of drinking greens will enjoy the taste of CoCoa LeafGreens, especially when added to almond or rice milk.


You can even green your protein by supplementing with ProPeas, which provides a vegan source from field peas. Protein is an integral macro-nutrient required by all of your cells. This means your body needs large amounts to build and repair tissues and to make enzymes, hormones, and other body chemicals as well as for the building blocks of blood, bones, cartilage, muscles, and skin.

AIM greens and pea protein help promote a healthy, alkaline body pH. Add a scoop of ProPeas to almond or rice milk and you have a tasty smoothie that supplements your body's protein requirements in a healthy way.
Paul Eilers is an Independent Member of The AIM Companies™