"Today I'm free from urinary tract infections and doing so much better with the fibromyalgia."


"I suffered for over fifteen years with symptoms of urinary tract infections.

Having been diagnosed with fibromyalgia as well, the years were filled with discomfort whenever I had to urinate and severe pain in my back, legs, pelvis, and kidneys.

It was difficult for me to walk or physically do much of anything.

I took many medications, including antibiotics, saw my doctor monthly, and had several hydrodistention of the bladder procedures for my urinary issues. But there was no relief from the pain. Nothing helped.

My son Daniel, an RN in a hospital intensive care unit, became concerned that I was taking so many antibiotics that eventually they would become ineffective against the bacteria causing the infections. He was right.

Over time, nothing helped to stop the recurring urinary tract infections. I was so discouraged, depressed, and tired of having no relief month after month, year after year.

I mentioned my health problems to my church friends, Yoli Huron and Marta King. They encouraged me to try AIM products, sharing several testimonials of Members who experienced relief from pain and improved their health.

In December 2011, I began taking BarleyLife and Composure, and later added CranVerry, specifically for the urinary tract infections and FloraFood, for the healthy bacteria that I truly believed helped me so much.

Within two months, I began to feel the positive effects of taking these natural supplements. Today I'm free from urinary tract infections and doing so much better with the fibromyalgia. Thank you, Jesus, for leading me to AIM products through my friends at church.

I am also so grateful for Dr. Yu-Shiaw Chen, who has given me so much inspiration through her webinars and private classes in Stony Brook, New York. I call her book, Healthy Eating Wholesome Living, my healthy Bible.

I'm taking fit 'n fiber, ProPeas, and GlucoChrom, and I have lost thirteen pounds. Dr. Chen encourages me to continue with my goal to lose weight.

On a final note, I thank AIM for giving us all the best products ever because they do give results." - Rosie Reichart, San Antonio, Texas

Testimonials should not be construed as representing results everybody can achieve. Nutritional supplements from The AIM Companies™ are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Results may vary per person.
Paul Eilers is an Independent Member of The AIM Companies™