Energy and Health to Enjoy Traveling

The first thing I pack is our First AIM Kit to help us maintain our health. We use recycled containers for our nutritious AIM powders such as the Garden Trio, ProPeas, and CalciAIM.
Depending on how many days we'll be traveling, I pack an equal number of small, plastic bags containing a daily supply of encapsulated supplements that include GinkgoSense and PrepZymes.
In celebration of our forty-second anniversary, we planned a Caribbean cruise over Christmas 2014.
A few days before our trip, I sent a message to AIM Online to check which products we would need for Jamaica, after hearing about the chikungunya virus spread by mosquito bites.
Symptoms include fever, muscle pain, headaches, nausea, and rash. It affected hundreds of thousands of people in the Caribbean, spurring a state of emergency in Jamaica.
AIM suggested that I also pack extra Proancynol 2000 for antioxidants and FloraFood for friendly bacteria.
We like adventure, but opted for a taxi ride around the town of Falmouth, Jamaica, instead of taking a bamboo raft trip down the Martha Brae River that runs through lush, green vegetation where mosquitoes breed.
On the beautiful island of Roatan, we went on a five-hour, 20-mile, guided bike tour through tropical rainforests with fourteen others, despite the 90 F (30 C) temperature and the hilly, narrow roads.
We took a well-deserved break at a beach to unwind and do some snorkeling.
Thank goodness I had some convenient sample packs of BarleyLife (for energy) and Peak Endurance (for ATP and electrolytes) to mix in my water bottle.
Biking back to the ship gave us an interesting insight into the life of the locals.
Back onboard, it was wonderful to rub on Cell Wellness Restorer to relax our sore, stressed muscles.
Two days later, sixteen of us took a 5-hour, clear kayak and snorkel trip. The transparent kayak made it even easier for us to see the incredible variety of colorful fish and coral below us in the crystal clear water.
Later, our snorkeling adventure gave us an even closer look at the marine life.
Not only did we enjoy these excursions, we also survived them due to the wonderful AIM products we’ve been taking daily for eighteen years. We owe our health, wellness, and active lifestyle to them.
Thank you, AIM, for Nutrition That Works!" - Jan Baxter, Waterloo, Ontario
Testimonials should not be construed as representing results everybody can achieve. Nutritional supplements from The AIM Companies™ are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
AIM suggested that I also pack extra Proancynol 2000 for antioxidants and FloraFood for friendly bacteria.
We like adventure, but opted for a taxi ride around the town of Falmouth, Jamaica, instead of taking a bamboo raft trip down the Martha Brae River that runs through lush, green vegetation where mosquitoes breed.
On the beautiful island of Roatan, we went on a five-hour, 20-mile, guided bike tour through tropical rainforests with fourteen others, despite the 90 F (30 C) temperature and the hilly, narrow roads.
We took a well-deserved break at a beach to unwind and do some snorkeling.
Thank goodness I had some convenient sample packs of BarleyLife (for energy) and Peak Endurance (for ATP and electrolytes) to mix in my water bottle.
Biking back to the ship gave us an interesting insight into the life of the locals.
Back onboard, it was wonderful to rub on Cell Wellness Restorer to relax our sore, stressed muscles.
Two days later, sixteen of us took a 5-hour, clear kayak and snorkel trip. The transparent kayak made it even easier for us to see the incredible variety of colorful fish and coral below us in the crystal clear water.
Later, our snorkeling adventure gave us an even closer look at the marine life.
Not only did we enjoy these excursions, we also survived them due to the wonderful AIM products we’ve been taking daily for eighteen years. We owe our health, wellness, and active lifestyle to them.
Thank you, AIM, for Nutrition That Works!" - Jan Baxter, Waterloo, Ontario
Testimonials should not be construed as representing results everybody can achieve. Nutritional supplements from The AIM Companies™ are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.