Low Carb Diet: Fat or Fiction?

From the video:

"The role of insulin is to build fat, and when you frequently consume carbohydrates it stimulates excess insulin. The insulin stops the food from being used properly, making you eat more and more frequently, a vicious cycle. Fat gives basically no insulin response, protein stimulates it moderately."

"This is not a high protein diet, it is high fat. You need enough protein to maintain/stimulate muscle, but mostly you should just dodge the carbs and eat the fat. It's more satiating, helping you eat less."

"Some people metabolise carbs better than others. Many people are unaware that they are "carbohydrate intolerant." There are many maladies beyond diabetes and obesity that you can't see which are a result of excess carbs."

"People are worried that a grain-free meal might be deficient in nutrients, however meat and veg and organs etc are far superior nutritionally. There may be no one-size-fits-all diet, but it's clear that a large portion of the population - especially the obese and diabetic - would benefit from restricting carbohydrates."

"When someone is lactose intolerant we don't tell them to drink milk, but why do we tell diabetics and the insulin resistant - who can't tolerate carbs - to eat carbohydrates all day?"

"So is it a fad? Nope, there's plenty of science behind it, and you should try it to see what it does for you."
Paul Eilers is an Independent Member of The AIM Companies™