5 Reasons Pea Protein Is The Better Protein

These days, there are many protein powders on the market. You can go down to your local supplement shop and purchase a giant tub of whey or soy protein for a low price. 

If price is the only thing you consider when you choose a protein powder, then it doesn't matter to you what you put into your body.

There are so many companies making these protein powders, the only way they can be competitive is to sell it at a low price. When you're cutting prices, the first thing to suffer is quality. (No product can be the cheapest and the best.)

Maybe they have to use an inferior ingredient, use a poor protein source or rely on substandard containers. 

However, when you have a product made with premium ingredients, most people will pay a little more for health, safety and quality.

Here are five reasons to switch from bargain-basement proteins to high-quality pea protein.

1. Non-GMO, Non-Allergenic, Non-Acidifying, Vegan 
  • If you're a vegan, whey is out for you. 

  • If you have allergies, it may limit your options. 

  • If you’re on an alkaline diet, then soy is not for you. 

  • Non-GMO. The American soybean crop is 93% GMO. To treat these GMO crops, certain herbicides have been created and they may contain glysophate. 
Source: Environmental Working Group

"This study demonstrated that Roundup Ready [GE]-soy may have high residue levels of glyphosate… and also that different agricultural practices may result in a markedly different nutritional composition of soybeans…. Lack of data on pesticide residues in major crop plants is a serious gap of knowledge with potential consequences for human and animal health."

Another study on the long-term effects of feeding GMO crops to livestock:

Source: Consumer's Union

"The new peer-reviewed long-term pig feeding study just published raises important concerns about possible health impacts of consuming genetically engineered (GE) corn and soy. There have been very few animal feeding studies of GE food to date, and extremely few that lasted longer than 90 days. This new study looked at pigs fed GE corn and soy under commercial production conditions over a 22.7 week period. Compared to a control group that was fed conventional corn and soy, the GE-fed pigs showed significant increases in severe stomach inflammation and thickening of the uterus."

The study in online here: http://www.organic-systems.org/journal/81/8106.pdf 

Read this and reconsider that cheap whey protein:

"If you care about the health and well-being of the animals themselves, you should know that they suffer similar gastrointestinal distress and illness that humans do. If we consume the meat, milk, cheese, butter, yogurt, and eggs of these animals, we’re getting a dose of the herbicide with each serving. Add to that the amounts we eat in GMO (genetically modified organisms) grains and their processed products, we’re ingesting more than you might have thought." - Daily Health Post

Many people and government agencies believe GMOs are safe to consume. Should you take that risk?

2. Lowers Satiety

ProPeas takes four hours to digest, leaving you fuller longer.

Whey and soy proteins digest fast, leaving you hungry in ninety minutes.

If you're looking to lose weight and want a low-calorie protein shake, maybe you should consider ProPeas.

3. Helps With Blood Pressure and Kidneys

Studies done on humans and rats have found pea protein may help lower pressure and protect the kidneys. Eating peas in their natural state does not produce this effect, only the proteins.

From Science Daily

"The researchers fed small daily doses of the protein mixture to laboratory rats with polycystic kidney disease, a severe form of kidney disease used as a model for research on CKD. At the end of the 8-week-long study period, the protein-fed rats with kidney disease showed a 20 percent drop in blood pressure when compared to diseased rats on a normal diet, the researchers say."

4. Highly Digestible

Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS) is a method of evaluating the protein quality, based on both the amino acid requirements of humans and their ability to digest it.

5. Prebiotic Qualities

A recent study found that pea may have prebiotic qualities. In other words, it helps the beneficial bacteria in your lower intestine.

Is it time to get rid of the cheap substandard proteins and treat your body to the premium, superior protein?

P.S. ProPeas is a vegetable protein powder made from field peas. It is allergen-free, dairy-free, gluten-free, soy-free, low in cabohydrates and low in sugar.

Pea protein is known to boost energy, increases metabolism and helps manage weight.

Click Here to find out more about this nutritious protein powder.

Note: Pea protein is optimal for balancing body pH and works synergistically with BarleyLife® Xtra and other AIM nutritional supplements.
Paul Eilers is an Independent Member of The AIM Companies™