Do You Need To Detox and Rejuvenate?

Do you need to cleanse?

One of the most effective methods of giving your body a much needed break from its ongoing process of keeping you alive is through the AIM Detox and Rejuvenate Program - a way to help your body rest, cleanse and rejuvenate.

The recommended 4-week detoxifying process is a combination of eating fresh, whole food; drinking pure water; and supplementing with a selection of AIM products that cleanse your body and maintain a healthy alkaline body pH.

The Toxic Build-Up

Toxins that impact your health can come from internal sources, including food, water, and stress, as well as external sources, such as body care products and pollution. Your body cleanses itself every day by removing toxins through the skin, lungs, liver, colon, and other major organs. Even though this automatic mechanism never stops, it can become clogged and work less than optimally. Over time the build-up of toxins leads to a weakened immune system - your body's defense system - and an inability to fully utilize nutrients from your dietary intake. This opens the door to any number of health issues and disease.

Time to Detoxify

There are many indications that it may be time for you to cleanse from the inside out. Examples include feeling tired and having less energy, gaining weight without eating more food than usual and feeling bloated, constipated or congested.

If you feel it is time for an internal cleanse, AIM makes it simple. Begin and follow through your detoxification with the AIM Detox & Rejuvenate Program.

Changing Through Detoxification

The first thing to be aware of as you start this program is that your body will go through changes as you detoxify. This is true for starting anything physically different. For example, if you have never done sit-ups, your abdominal muscles will feel sore afterward. Anytime you make a physical change in your regular routine you may experience temporary discomforts that eventually disappear as your body strengthens. Every person is different, so the signs of detoxification vary from individual to individual, and not everyone experiences symptoms.

Detoxification allows your body to utilize the healthy nutrition that you provide. Following through with the AIM Detox and Rejuvenate Program results in a natural body cleanse that strengthens your immune system and provides a preventative step against illness.

The AIM Detoxification Supplements

The AIM Detox and Rejuvenate Program requires four key natural health products that help to eliminate toxins from your body. The following combination of supplements provides a thorough body cleanse for effective detoxification.

Herbal Fiberblend 5 g fiber per serving helps to maintain whole-body health by providing natural psyllium fiber (soluble and insoluble) and cleansing herbs that remove toxins from the body. It maintains digestive health and promotes regular bowel movements.

The benefits of plant-based, water-soluble fiber are numerous and include maintaining healthy cholesterol and blood sugar levels. The recommended daily intake of fiber is 25-35 grams, and the average person consumes less than half that amount daily. Promoting overall wellness, the many herbs help to support a healthy GI tract by providing a wide range of benefits to remove waste, mucus and parasites and to combat inflammation.

fit 'n fiber 7 g fiber per serving helps to promote digestive health with natural psyllium and oat fiber and herbs that cleanse the intestinal tract. Oat fiber relieves irregularity to improve detoxification. Organic fiber reduces appetite to assist with weight loss. Selected herbs like organic aloe play a key role in soothing and unclogging the digestive system.

Herbal Release helps to maintain a strong immune system and a healthy lymphatic system by providing herbs that cleanse the body of toxins. Each herb, including cascara sagrada, barberry, echinacea and parsley, was carefully selected to support the stomach, liver, kidneys, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, skin, and digestive system.

FloraFood helps to maintain digestive health with a unique blend of probiotics - Lactobacillus gasseri, Bifidobacterium bifidum and Bifidobacterium longum - that restore and maintain a balanced intestinal flora. These friendly bacteria stimulate and enhance the immune system, balance intestinal pH and protect against environmental toxins.

Additional detoxification support and nutrition is available from BarleyLife, Garden Trio, ProPeas, AIMega, Proancynol 2000 and PrepZymes.

The AIM Detox and Rejuvenate Program ties in the importance of food choices, water, body pH, all of which go hand in hand with the five steps of the Healthy Cell Concept. Detoxify and rejuvenate to give your body a healthy break.
Paul Eilers is an Independent Member of The AIM Companies™