Do You Suffer From Migraines?

These researchers examined the blood levels of coenzyme Q10 in 1,550 children and teenagers, ages 3 to 22, who had migraines. They found a third of them were deficient in this important antioxidant.
They gave these kids supplemental CoQ10 (1–3 mg/kg or 0.5–1.5 mg/lb of body weight per day) and followed them for about three months. Follow-up exams showed the CoQ10 supplement significantly reduced the frequency of migraines and decreased headaches in half.
An earlier study of adults who took 150 mg of CoQ10 daily showed similar benefits.
CoQ10 or Cellsparc 360 saves the day for migraine sufferers in adults and children. If you continue to struggle with migraines and headaches, then consider stopping them before they start, by increasing blood flow with Cellsparc 360.
To learn more about Cellsparc 360, Click Here.