Nurse Rejects "Healthy Whole Grains" Loses 41 Pounds and Adult Acne

"In October of 2012, my mom's doctor gave her a copy of Wheat Belly to read, which she then gave to me. As an nurse, it was difficult to believe "healthy whole grains" could be a problem, but there I was, one year postpartum and 55 pounds overweight, eating fruits and grains and everything I had learned I should be eating.

I tried your diet plan of grain-free for two weeks and hoped it might give me results that obsessing over points and always being hungry wasn't.

Well, after feeling like crap for a week, I stayed motivated because I lost 8 pounds. The next week, 5 pounds and then I started to feel awesome. My family's lifestyle is forever changed. No more dieting for me!!!

I have lost 41 pounds eating whatever I want the "healthified" way! I threw away the acne face wash I had been using for 10 years to combat my adult acne! My husband is back in the clothes he wore when we got married 7 years ago. My kids are grain free and always ask if there is wheat or sugar in any food they are offered because they know mom can make it healthier thanks to you!

I feel like this is a miracle in my life to be free of food cravings and a past that left me struggling with an eating disorder. I know my three daughters will learn to really eat the right way now! I tell everyone I know about you and Dr. Davis and all your books. Thank you, thank you, thank you!" - Susan, a nurse who rejected "healthy whole grains"

P.S. Maria Emmerich, who promotes a wheat-free lifestyle, shared this testimonial. To learn more, check out her blog.
Paul Eilers is an Independent Member of The AIM Companies™