"I feel like a whole different person."

"Three years ago I was diagnosed with Epstein Barr virus and chronic fatigue. Doctors tried to treat it with natural medicine and IV's every week. It seemed it just didn't help.
A year later, it got very bad. With a lot of stress it just got worse. Besides not feeling well, I got very sick every single time I had my period. It lasted almost a week. We had tried a lot of different natural pills and nothing seemed to help. I had hardly any energy for two years.
Then I just happened to see an ad about AIM products and decided to try them. Now we wouldn't want to be without them. I've been taking BarleyLife Xtra, Herbal Fiberblend, Composure, AIMega and Renewed Balance.
It's now almost a year since we started with these products. I feel like a whole different person. I have not seen a doctor since taking AIM nutritional supplements.
My husband had to deal with depression for quite a few years off and on. He was on medication for about three years. After two months of taking BarleyLife, Herbal Fiberblend and AIMega, he got off his medication. He didn't need it anymore.
I think I would have had colon cancer by now had I not cleansed my colon when I did. After cleansing the colon, I can now assimilate my healthy food even better.
I no longer suffer with bronchitis as I did for many years and I no longer have knee pain. I am not constipated, I don’t awaken with toxic headaches.
In addition, my eyes have improved. Each time I get my eyes examined the optometrist says, "Your eyes are just so healthy!"
I also have healthy gums, which I didn't before.
I also take the Garden Trio, Proancynol 2000, Flora Food, Renewed Balance, Bear Paw Garlic, PrepZymes, GinkgoSense, Cellsparc 360 and Peak Endurance.
I will forever be thankful to God for bringing AIM products into our lives." - Charlotte Thompson, Dundee, Ohio
Testimonials should not be construed as representing results everybody can achieve. Nutritional supplements from The AIM Companies™ are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Results may vary per person.
A year later, it got very bad. With a lot of stress it just got worse. Besides not feeling well, I got very sick every single time I had my period. It lasted almost a week. We had tried a lot of different natural pills and nothing seemed to help. I had hardly any energy for two years.
Then I just happened to see an ad about AIM products and decided to try them. Now we wouldn't want to be without them. I've been taking BarleyLife Xtra, Herbal Fiberblend, Composure, AIMega and Renewed Balance.
It's now almost a year since we started with these products. I feel like a whole different person. I have not seen a doctor since taking AIM nutritional supplements.
My husband had to deal with depression for quite a few years off and on. He was on medication for about three years. After two months of taking BarleyLife, Herbal Fiberblend and AIMega, he got off his medication. He didn't need it anymore.
I think I would have had colon cancer by now had I not cleansed my colon when I did. After cleansing the colon, I can now assimilate my healthy food even better.
I no longer suffer with bronchitis as I did for many years and I no longer have knee pain. I am not constipated, I don’t awaken with toxic headaches.
In addition, my eyes have improved. Each time I get my eyes examined the optometrist says, "Your eyes are just so healthy!"
I also have healthy gums, which I didn't before.
I also take the Garden Trio, Proancynol 2000, Flora Food, Renewed Balance, Bear Paw Garlic, PrepZymes, GinkgoSense, Cellsparc 360 and Peak Endurance.
I will forever be thankful to God for bringing AIM products into our lives." - Charlotte Thompson, Dundee, Ohio
Testimonials should not be construed as representing results everybody can achieve. Nutritional supplements from The AIM Companies™ are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Results may vary per person.