Easy Veggies with The Garden Trio

For people who know they should eat more fruits and vegetables every day, but don't because they're busy...

If you find it challenging to get the USDA recommended nine daily servings of vegetables, try the Garden Trio. You'll get the vital nutrients found in three important foods - green barley, carrots and beets.

  • BarleyLife features nutrition from the leaves of young barley plants. 
  • Just Carrots contains natural beta-carotene and vitamin A. 
  • RediBeets is full of naturally-occurring vitamins and minerals.

Each member of the Garden Trio is packed with essential enzymes found in whole-juice products, plus antioxidants and a host of other nutrients to maintain good health.

Promote a healthy immune system, have more energy and wake up every day feeling great. Get to know the Garden Trio powders by making them part of your daily routine.

The Garden Trio benefits:
  • Helps maintain whole-body health 

  • Helps maintain a healthy immune system 

  • Provides increased energy 

  • Benefits of juicing without the mess or inconvenience 

P.S. A single teaspoon of BarleyLife equals three servings of vegetables. 

In addition, it takes a half-pound of carrots to make a tablespoon of Just Carrots. 

And it takes a half-pound of beets to make a teaspoon of RediBeets.

How many fresh, uncooked vegetables have you eaten today?

What People Are Saying

"In June 2005 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I chose not to take chemotherapy. In August I was introduced to a wonderful lady by the name of June Poswiata. She took time to explain the AIM products to me. It's now December and I've been taking these products for five months. I feel wonderful. My weight has dropped to a very comfortable size. I would not think of starting my day without the Garden Trio.

"I'm constantly supplied with important information including how and when to detoxify my body. I have come to rely completely on this updated information. BarleyLife is one product in which the name says it all. The AIM products are definitely helping me to improve my quality of life. Thank you AIM and especially you, June, for coming into my life." - Irene Black, Ontario, Canada

In 1997 Yoli underwent heart bypass surgery. Two years later tests revealed three of the four bypasses had collapsed. Doctors told Yoli there were other heart-related problems and only a transplant could resolve them. Not wishing to have another operation without exploring other options, Yoli began a diet and exercise program, but still could not escape using a number of medications.

Then she started using The AIM Companies products, including the Garden Trio.

Yoli reports: "I immediately began to feel stronger, energetic, and more alive. With a strong faith in God and these wonderful nutrients, I slowly weaned myself off the medications, because I was truly more afraid of the side effects than the disease. Today, I'm medication free and look and feel better than I have in years." - Yoli Huron, San Antonio, Texas

Elliott, the son of Barry and Michelle Patterson, is three years-old and has a compromised immune system. He suffers at times from scarlet fever, hives and the croup. Since he began mixing AIM products in his orange juice (called "super hero juice" by the boy), he has "withstood a stomach virus suffered by the entire family and also a horrific cold. It was amazing, this had never happened before."

The mother, Michelle, says taking the Garden Trio has improved lesions on her fingers to the point where her hands "look eighty-five percent normal." Prior to using the AIM products, she couldn't play the piano and playing her guitar was "excruciating." She says her skin is now "incredible" whereas, prior to using the Garden Trio, "my hands were always wrapped in some sort of bandage and it was awful." - Barry and Michelle Patterson

These testimonials should not be construed as representing results everyone can achieve. The Garden Trio is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Paul Eilers is an Independent Member of The AIM Companies™