Help Keep Your Skin From Aging and Developing Wrinkles
In fact, it may help the skin from aging and developing wrinkles, particularly those who suffer from PXE, a condition of severe wrinkling of the skin on the face and body.
A high level of Vitamin K can be found in BarleyLife.
Another study from the University of Texas, shows elderly people who supplement their diet with a full range of essential amino acids - the building blocks of the body - can increase their lean body mass and improve muscle mass, strength and function.
BarleyLife contains a variety of essential amino acids and much more.
P.S. Vitamin K comes from leafy green vegetables.
It has been shown to decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease, improve bone health, stop oxidative cell death, slow the rate of age-related cognitive decline, boost memory and play a significant role in blood clotting.
To find out more, Click Here.