Nutrition Provides Migraine Relief for Teenager

Kerry Chambers is a high-performance individual from South Africa. You can tell by the way she carries herself - not bashful, disrespectful or arrogant. She has an air of confidence and strength that you do not see in everyone.

Kerry also has a newfound air of joy and freedom, which has not always been the case. 

From the age of eleven, Kerry suffered from debilitating migraines. It was a struggle for her from day one. Who would think that an eleven-year-old could get migraine headaches? 

Little Kerry suffered from regular attacks, which only seemed to get worse.

The family took her to see every specialist, all of whom prodded, probed and scanned her from head to toe in an effort to alleviate the excruciating pain. 

Not a single doctor was able to identify the actual cause, and even worse, they were not able to offer any relief.

The migraines continued and many of the specialists determined that Kerry's migraines were most likely the result of a neck injury that must have occurred during her years of competitive diving. 

Back when she was only four, Kerry was already a determined athlete in the sport of platform diving. She represented South Africa in international competitions. 

At the age of thirteen, Kerry was sent off to Leeds in England to train for the Olympics. 

But the hard grind of four to seven hours of intense training per day eventually took a toll on her. She later opted out of professional sports altogether in favor of enjoying all of them.

By the time she reached her teens, the severity of her headaches worsened, often building in pain over a few weeks and then manifesting with sometimes as many as three migraine attacks a day, or culminating in an enormous cluster of five or six in a single day, which would leave Kerry without sight for up to twenty-four hours.

Unsympathetic teachers in a rigid school system insisted that she carry on through the pain, making her studies a misery. The young girl's social dilemma of not ever being able to be dependable meant isolation and rejection.

In Kerry's case, no migraine trigger was identified. Migraines came upon her at any given time without much warning. The constant nausea following an attack meant that her sleep patterns were terribly erratic, which greatly affected her scholastic performance. 

While Kerry learned to live with the condition, it was traumatic for her to have to deal with people who did not believe she even had a condition. Their condescending looks said, "She is probably just faking it again." 

Doctors prescribed Trepiline (anti-depressant) and Topamax (anticonvulsant) and sent her on her way.

In 2011, when Kerry had finals at school, the attacks became violent, leaving her without depth perception and preventing her from studying. 

Desperate to see her succeed, her parents gave up on the orthodox approach and took her to see Judy Dolev, a Member of The AIM Companies. 

Judy asked her for only one thing: "Give me at least three months. If I cannot get rid of your migraines in that time, then I won't be able to help you."

Judy put Kerry on a regimen of LeafGreens, CellSparc 360, GinkoSense and CalciAIM. 

Within the space of three months, the migraines moved out. 

During those first three months, Kerry experienced a small number of attacks, but nothing compared to what she previously experienced.

As the exams approached, her family held their breaths, expecting an onslaught with the additional stress, but it never came. Kerry sailed through her exams without a single migraine for the first time in nearly eight years. 

Her body chemistry had improved with the use of nutritional supplements from The AIM Companies.

Kerry is now lively, bubbly and full of joy. Living in Cape Town, she has embarked on a career in fashion. The pain, discomfort and embarrassment of the migraines have left her seemingly for good.

Migraine Causes and Triggers

One of the causes of migraines may be changes in body chemistry. 

For example, during a migraine, levels of serotonin decrease in a part of the brain, resulting in a narrowing of blood vessels, which go into spasm. This might be the cause of visual disturbances (including flashing lights, zigzag lines and hallucinations) called migraine auras. Soon after, the blood vessels dilate, which is thought to cause the headache. 

The exact reason for the drop in serotonin is not yet fully understood.

Some scientists believe that fluctuating levels of hormones are closely linked to the cause of migraines. Some women who experience migraines say they are more likely to have an attack around the time of their period. This is known as a menstrual migraine.

Just before a period, levels of estrogen fall. Women can have menstrual migraines from two days before to three days after the first day of their period. About one in seven women who get migraines have an attack only around the time of their period. This is known as a pure menstrual migraine. Around six in ten women with migraines have attacks at other times, too.

The many factors identified as migraine triggers create a list that seems endless. Such triggers include emotional, physical, dietary, environmental, and medicinal factors. We all have many of these potential triggers in our own lives, but not every body responds the same way.

Testimonials should not be construed as representing results everybody can achieve. Nutritional supplements from The AIM Companies™ are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Results may vary per person.
Paul Eilers is an Independent Member of The AIM Companies™