Cut Heals Faster With BarleyLife

"I was in a hurry this morning on my way to the gym and smashed the car door against my shin! What a gash! And pain!

I won't go into the gory details, but it wasn't pretty. I went back inside the house. My first thought was to clean the gash and put on a barley paste.

When it dried, I did go to the gym. It's now seven hours later and I can feel it healing. The plan is to leave it this way overnight and longer till healed.

Many years ago, I had a biking accident with a similar gash on my shoulder. I looked in my First AIM Kit in the kitchen cupboard and made a barley paste. In a few days, I witnessed just how amazing the barley healed my shoulder from the outside.

As for my shin, I hope to be a good as new in a few days! (And wiser to SLOW down too.)" - Jan Baxter, Waterloo, Ontario

P.S. Here is her BarleyLife paste recipe:

"I put about 1/2 teaspoon of BarleyLife powder in a cup, sprinkled a FEW drops of water, and stirred it with a spoon to make a paste (not runny, if it is runny, add more powder).

Then I filled the gash with this wonderful healing chlorophyll-filled, green powder and let it dry.

It is now Wednesday, (two days later), and since there has been no water on it, it is hard. I feel it tighten every so often, and know that is the HEALING that I feel!

It seems that I feel it is miraculously knitting the cells together. It is AIMazing as to what chlorophyll can give the body to build healthy cells = just what it NEEDS to do the job!"

Testimonials should not be construed as representing results everybody can achieve. Results may vary per person.
Paul Eilers is an Independent Member of The AIM Companies™