Cell Damage, Superoxide Dismutase and BarleyLife

Every cell within the human body contains mitochondria, which burn oxygen to produce energy. Superoxide is a free radical produced through this process.

This molecule is much like normal oxygen, or dioxide, except that it possesses an extra electron.

As it comes in contact with healthy cells, it donates this electron to them, causing an imbalance. This process leads to disease.

There are a number of antioxidants in plants that can counteract superoxide, including Vitamin K, E, C, carotenoids, flavonoids and superoxide dismutase (or SOD).

Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) is an enzyme found in BarleyLife. SOD enzymes contain the minerals copper, manganese, iron or nickel.

The minerals within SOD can accept superoxide’s extra electron and convert it back to a balanced dioxide molecule. Now it no longer causes cell damage and disease.

SOD is about 3,500 times more efficient at counteracting superoxide than vitamin C.

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Paul Eilers is an Independent Member of The AIM Companies™