Physical Fitness Score Improves For Army Chaplain

Once a month. Each month, every month. 

It's part of Army life at Fort Drum, New York, the Army's primary cold-weather training facility. 

The physical fitness test - a two mile run, push-ups, and sit-ups. There is a possible three hundred points. The higher the score, the better the performance.

Major Gregory Distad is a chaplain in the Army. He is also the son of AIM Members Herbert and Verna Distad of Brownstown, Pennsylvania.

The monthly test is not something he worries about failing, but he is competitive and wants to do as well as he can. Such is life in a top-notch infantry brigade. 

Since he is now fifty-one year-old, you would not expect his score to improve much month-to-month. 

Gregory has been a product consumer of The AIM Companies for years. BarleyLife is the base of his AIM regimen, but he also uses Just Carrots, RediBeets, Herbal Fiberblend, ReAssure, GinkgoSense and PrepZymes. 

He is especially fond of BarleyLife for its nutrient value and of Herbal Fiberblend for its cleansing properties.

But this month was different. He had been taking a new product from AIM, Peak Endurance.

He read the literature and its ingredients made sense to him - ATP is the primary energy source for the cells and the body's ability to produce ATP is lost through age, stress, and exercise.

There are six B vitamins to derive energy from carbohydrates, build muscle, and to aid in metabolism.

Vitamin C, the all-important metabolic vitamin; five electrolytes - calcium, sodium, magnesium, chloride, and potassium - to help conduct electrical currents in the body.

And phosphorous to aid in the growth and repair of body tissue. 

All this good stuff, naturally grape-flavored with only a single gram of sugar. Clearly, a smorgasbord of quality ingredients. 

But the proof is in the results. 

How would he do now that he was taking Peak Endurance?

Well, he knocked more than a minute off his previous two mile run time. He did well with the push-ups and the sit-ups. He scored three hundred points out of a possible three hundred. 

"I have to believe that the Peak Endurance provided me with the fuel to perform better during the physical training program," he says.

He feels Peak Endurance, as with all AIM products, "works best when taken in combination. There is a synergistic effect." 

His view is in harmony with the advice offered by The AIM Companies - BarleyLife is the fuel your body needs, Peak Endurance is the spark to ignite the fuel.

Gregory and wife Elaine have four children - Tyler, 19; Charity, 16; Adam, 13; and Ashley, 9. He holds bachelor's and master's degrees in Divinity from Bob Jones University and is a certified financial planner. 

He chose the military "to have the opportunity to minister as a chaplain and to financially provide for my family."

As an Army chaplain, "my main mission is to engage in conversation about the need for a savior." He is committed to the words of Mark 8:36. "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?"

Gregory views his stay on earth as an opportunity to be a "good steward of my time, talents, and treasure. A steward doesn't own anything, but he is a manager," adding that " our body is part of that stewardship, and we need to do our best to take care of it …" 

To that end, Gregory says, "I believe the AIM products provide vital nutrients that help build a base for health and personal well-being. I feel more energetic and alert when I use the AIM products."

P.S. Peak Endurance is a blueberry Acai energy drink. 

It contains a significant amount of vitamin C, as well as all six major electrolytes (sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorous, magnesium and chloride). 

To learn more about this natural drink for energy, Click Here.

These testimonials should not be construed as representing results everyone can achieve. Peak Endurance® is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Results may vary per person.
Paul Eilers is an Independent Member of The AIM Companies™