Bone Cancer No Longer Active In Patient

Jacqueline McDermott, from Fonthill, Ontario, Canada, is one who discovered the health benefits of plant-based nutrients through BarleyLife and a host of other great nutritional supplements from The AIM Companies.

"In July of 2004, four years after a lumpectomy due to breast cancer, I was diagnosed with bone cancer. The cancer had metastasized very rapidly into my bones causing my femur to break. The cancer not only attacked my left leg, but my pelvis, ribs, vertebrae and skull as well.

Six heavy doses of chemo were prescribed and completed in December 2004.

All the while, I continued under the direction of a homeopath, who included natural products to help keep my immune system as strong as possible during the treatments. 

I've always kept a healthy eating lifestyle and often entertained new health products. It wasn't until four months after my last chemo treatment that a friend introduced me to BarleyLife, by giving me some samples.

I was so touched by his visit that it led me to sign up immediately. This product testified to cleansing and healing, so why wait, when something sounded so good. 

At that time no matter what I ate and took, I still lacked energy and my body remained very acidic, which is a prime state for cancer to thrive in.

I also know from past experience that when you begin a new product, whether for cleansing purposes or building your immune system, you have to give the product a fair chance; therefore, I knew when my samples ran out, my first shipment would have arrived and I could continue taking the BarleyLife without interruption.

The big question for me was, 'How much should I take?' The cancer had already done massive damage, eating away at my leg and my spine.

This is where AIM Member Muriel McPherson came into my life, giving me her 'recipe' for cancer treatment, which I faithfully began to take. It involved taking the Garden Trio eight times per day. The Garden Trio is BarleyLife, Just Carrots and RediBeets. It sounded like a lot, and it was. But my body had been intruded by an ugly disease and had left me weakened and in pain.

Two weeks into the Garden Trio recipe, not only did I notice a tremendous increase in energy, but for the first time ever, my body was no longer acidic. BarleyLife was the only product that worked for me and brought me into the healthy neutral acidity zone. I was thrilled.

I have been told that I am a walking miracle. My oncologist says I'm still full of cancer, but it is not active and not eating at the bones. The cancer remains quiet and that is glorious news for a bone cancer patient.

I faithfully take a good portion of the Garden Trio each day as well as a number of the other products such as Proancynol 2000, Cellsparc 360, AIMega and Herbal Fiberblend, which I have found to be 'my happy balance' for maintenance purposes." - Jacqueline McDermott, Ontario, Canada

Testimonials should not be construed as representing results everybody can achieve. The Garden Trio® and other AIM products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Results may vary per person.
Paul Eilers is an Independent Member of The AIM Companies™