"In November I'll be sixty-one years old. I really don't feel any different than when I was thirty. That's the bottom line."

Kathie Fitzpatrick is a busy woman, balancing work, ministry, writing, speaking and everything else in between.

"BarleyLife helps me stay on a busy schedule that would be impossible for some people my age," she says.

"But shhhhh! Nobody knows. I'm often mistaken for about thirty-eight to forty-five or so!"

Kathie's busy schedule would be an understandable excuse for fatigue or aging, yet she juggles all her different activities with ease.

Kathie works full-time as a real estate agent and income property owner in Yakima, Washington.

In addition to her day job, she is the head of a non-profit youth services organization called Young Lion's Youth Ministry Program, a ministry that is used worldwide for youth detention. 

She travels to various speaking engagements and holds performances for teenagers, wearing a leather jacket or rhinestone pants. Even the kids don't know how old is Kathie.

"They don't guess my age or they might not listen to me as well as they do now," she says.

In the midst of this activity, Kathie has had to deal with tragedy as well.

In the summer of 2001, Kathie's youngest daughter, Karen Lee, perished in a forest fire. She was eighteen at the time, the youngest of four firefighters who died. The tragic story gained national attention.

As a tribute, Kathie wrote a book in memory of her youngest daughter.

"I finished my book, 'Angel Promises: Remembering the Youngest Firefighter', in June of last year. We opened at Borders bookstore as a national event for the book chain complete with reporters and news cameras."

And through it all, Kathie credits BarleyLife for keeping off the years.

"Throughout the years, the schedule of working in real estate, writing, speaking, meeting news media, maintaining a 4,000-square-foot home and yard...well, I certainly learned to reach for BarleyLife on a regular basis to find physical strength."

Kathie was first introduced to the green barley product twenty-five years ago, when she and her late husband were working as producers for a Christian broadcasting station in California. Life back then was almost as hectic as it is for Kathie today.

"At age thirty-six, I was a busy mother of three children and my youngest, Karen Lee, was only three months old. We produced as many as fourteen programs at once in some periods of time, and were very busy both in the studio and on location."

Some of the programs the station produced were nationally and internationally syndicated, including "Accent on Health," a well-known nutrition and wellness show.

During production, Kathie kept hearing from guests and health experts about a wonderful new barley product they encouraged her to try. And once she did, she never went back.

"The main thing we've learned about BarleyLife is the extra energy it gives you," Kathie says.

"One teaspoon mixed in one glass with ice is about 'ten hours of jet fuel,' they kidded us."

Also the rebuilding of the cells was a very important issue with BarleyLife.

"Well, with the long hours I put in between the TV production world, the home, and the kids, good old BarleyLife was a welcome discovery."

"I still look good, feel good, and have no health problems," Kathie says. 

"In November I will be sixty-one years old. I really don't feel any different than when I was thirty. Thats the bottom line."

P.S. Maybe you too can find your fountain of youth with BarleyLife.

To learn more about this nutritious green powder, Click Here.
Paul Eilers is an Independent Member of The AIM Companies™