How Do We Get Kidney Stones?

Numerous studies show that magnesium deficiency may be responsible for kidney stones.

It's a condition that occurs from a build-up of calcium that cannot be efficiently excreted from the body. 

Risk factors include a history of hypertension and low dietary intake of magnesium.

One of the primary roles of magnesium is to keep calcium from calcifying or solidifying into crystals. 

In the presence of magnesium deficiency, stones can form from:

  • A diet high in sugar, fructose, alcohol, and caffeine, which pulls calcium from the bone and excretes it through the kidneys. 
  • Calcium supplementation to the exclusion of magnesium and other minerals. 
  • High levels of oaxalic acid - found in spinach, rhubarb, parsley, chocolate, tea, and coffee - which binds to calcium making it insoluble. 
  • Phosphoric acid found in soft drinks depletes magnesium while eating away at bone.

Again, ample evidence exists for using magnesium to dissolve calcified kidney stones.

In addition to dietary changes, include six to eight glasses of water each day.

Also, increase your intake of green vegetables, nuts and seeds. (The added nutrients can help reduce the formation of kidney stones.)

Finally, make sure to decrease your consumption of sugar, alcohol, and soft drinks.
Paul Eilers is an Independent Member of The AIM Companies™