The Enzymes and Antioxidants in AIM BarleyLife

There are over a thousand different kinds of live enzymes in BarleyLife. 


Technically, enzymes are not considered as part of nutrition. 

A good analogy would be building a house. Even with all of the right materials, if you don't have a carpenter, you'll never get the house built. 

Well, enzymes are like the carpenter that builds the house. They help vitamins do their job. 

Unless they're piggybacked on a live enzyme, vitamins cannot pass through the cell wall of cells.

You're born with a large bank account of enzymes. However, studies show that as you grow older, you use up these enzymes and eventually begin to bankrupt your enzyme account. 

When you're out of enzymes, you die. Eating a diet of cooked and processed foods depletes your body's enzyme account.

Super Oxide Dismutase

One enzyme that's been studied is super oxide dismutase (SOD). Scientists have directly linked the aging process to decreasing amounts of the SOD enzyme in the body. 

They've also found that by increasing the amount of SOD, your body will repair itself more quickly. SOD also acts as an anti-inflammatory enzyme as well as a cancer preventive enzyme. 

One of the best sources available of SOD is BarleyLife.

Another enzyme that BarleyLife contains is P4D1. This enzyme is the first known substance to actually stimulate the repair of DNA molecules, which makes up your genetic structure. 

In one case, an individual who had Multiple Sclerosis (MS) had been taking BarleyLife for two years, with no visible results. But then overnight, her MS disappeared. 

Several medical professionals were asked why it happened this way. They concluded that the diseased cells had to run their normal cycle. When it came time to reproduce, the P4D1 had repaired the DNA in the damaged cells. This caused the diseased cells to produce healthy cells.

In laboratory tests, the P4D1 enzyme has also been shown to eat the protein sheath off of cancer cells, allowing the white blood cells to attack. 


Whether a person develops clinical cancer or not depends upon the ability of the immune system to destroy cancer cells. 

Proper nutrition goes a long way towards developing and maintaining a strong and healthy immune system, to fight sickness and disease.
Paul Eilers is an Independent Member of The AIM Companies™