"Even if my eyes were one hundred percent, I would still take the AIM products. I am feeling so good."

In July of 2006, Shirley Desautels received a call from her daughter, Amy Jones, mother of two sons.

Amy was nearsighted as a child and did not grow out of it as an adult.

"As a child," says Shirley, "Amy wore 'coke bottle' eyeglasses. When she was twenty years old, she got soft contact lenses and had worn them successfully for nineteen years."

Then came the phone call.

Amy said she was having a bit of trouble reading and thought she might need a prescription change. She asked her parents to drive her to the appointment because the optometrist would be dilating her eyes for the exam.

What was thought to be a routine exam turned into a two-hour nightmare. Amy came out of the exam, supported by an assistant and accompanied by a shaken optometrist.

"He told us he had made an appointment with an eye specialist/surgeon and we needed to go right away," recalls Shirley.

The specialist confirmed the bad news.

"Amy's right eye had cracked in several places and these cracks were bleeding," says Shirley. 

"The retina in the left eye had already cracked and healed, leaving scars. Amy had very little vision left in that eye, but she did not notice because the 'good' eye had taken over all tasks." 

Now it was cracked and bleeding.

"We were told this was very serious. Amy would need a few laser treatments to stop the bleeding, and the scar tissue left after the cracks healed could mean loss of mid-range vision in that eye also. We were encouraged to agree to a series of shots (one every few months for an undetermined length of time) of a yet unapproved drug to try to strengthen the retina. We were told that the procedures had to be done within ten days."

Amy remembers her vision challenge prior to the procedure.

"It was like looking through a steamed-up shower door. When reading, letters were missing, blurred and distorted. When riding in a car, the lines on the road were missing sections and were wavy."

She had difficulty doing the smallest task. Understandably, she was irritable and despondent. One day she was fine; the next day she was told you may soon be legally blind.

Amy had been diagnosed with age-related macular degeneration at thirty-nine years of age.

Then came the procedures. A shot was given to the right eye, then a dye was injected into her veins so the surgeon could see where to laser. 

Due to the dye in her system, any skin exposed to light would be badly burned, so Amy left the hospital with every inch of her skin completely covered. 

The house had to be darkened for another three days.

Recalls Shirley: "My husband, Norm, and I told Amy that it was wonderful what the doctors could do to try to save as much sight as possible. Maybe she should help their efforts with some nutritional products from The AIM Companies, so the healing might be faster. We got nowhere with our plea."

Two weeks later, the doctor checked her progress. 

There was still a little bleeding and an appointment was made to do the procedures again in December. The doctors told Amy with corrective lenses, they might be able to get her vision to 20/70 - but 20/90 would be more realistic. 

Would her ability to read printed material return? 

Probably not completely.

The Canadian National Institute for the Blind became involved. It showed her videos about age-related macular degeneration. She was told she would probably never drive again because one must have correction to 20/50 for that. 

She was advised to seek counseling. Amy became extremely depressed and could think of nothing but her situation.

"One evening," says Shirley, "we mixed one tablespoon of Just Carrots in a glass and asked her to try it. We again explained that a better nutritional profile could help the healing process. If the retina were stronger, maybe it would not continue to crack. She finally agreed. She also tried the BarleyLife powder - and gagged. She agreed to take twelve BarleyLife capsules a day along with the Just Carrots drink."

Time for the September checkup; Amy's vision was at 20/90.

"We continued the regimen of nutrition," says Shirley. "She began to feel better and to have a more positive outlook. Amy agreed to add four capsules of AIMega and two capsules of GinkgoSense to her daily regimen."

Now the October checkup. Amy's vision was at 20/70. New glasses were prescribed.

"This would be as good as it gets," thought Shirley.

Then in November, even better. The right eye was looking very healthy, with just a bit of bleeding.

In December, another laser treatment. Amy did not need another shot because the retina looked so healthy.

February 2007 - Amy tested a strong 20/50. The doctor was amazed at the health of her eye. Back to wearing soft contact lenses, Amy could read the telephone book, and could even drive again.

In subsequent months, the doctor was still amazed at the health of her right eye. He said the health of her left (or bad) eye was remarkable. 

How could that be? 

No procedures had been done on that eye.

"Could it be the result of improved nutrition?" wondered Shirley.

"For eighteen years we have told Amy the many health benefits we and others have received from taking AIM products. She felt she was healthy and did not need any. Now she will tell you it's never too late to begin or too early for preventive measures. Norm and I knew AIM nutrition would help Amy, but even we were astonished by the small amounts that provided such huge rewards for her."

Amy now mixes one tablespoon of BarleyLife powder in her one tablespoon of Just Carrots drink. She says she does not mind the taste anymore.

"Even if my eyes were one hundred percent, I would still take the AIM products. I am feeling so good."

Testimonials should not be construed as representing results everybody can achieve. The Garden Trio® and AIMega® and GinkgoSense® are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Results may vary per person.
Paul Eilers is an Independent Member of The AIM Companies™