What's Wrong With "Natural" Vitamins?

"Many so called natural vitamins are made from horrible substances. All the vitamin B-12, cyanocobalamin, on the market is made from either ground up toxic cow livers or activated sewage sludge. These cow livers are overloaded with steroids and antibiotics, and the pesticides the cow assimilates while eating. The sewage sludge is just that, fecal matter.

In today's environment of depressed immune diseases, I can think of hundreds of reasons that these materials would be a health risk, not benefit. Just because a so-called natural substance (fecal matter is natural ) is high in a particular vitamin, does that also mean it is a good food?

"Vitamin A from fish liver juices loaded with toxic PCB's and mercury, B vitamins from coal tar and petro-chemicals, known central nervous system depressants, respiratory irritants and carcinogens, Vitamin C from acid blends irritating to the lining of the digestive tract (Ascorbic Acid), Vitamin D from radiated oil, Vitamin E from Eastman Kodak, need I say anymore?

"All minerals used in nutrient manufacture are basically dirt. The iron, calcium, zinc etc. are just mined ore, pulverized and powdered to a fine dust. This doesn't make it any easier to assimilate...Modern research shows us that minerals of this type are 99 percent inassimilable. 

The manufacturers response to this is to add pig digestive enzymes, which supposedly pre-digests it or chelates it, in their attempts to force our body to accept this toxic material. Is this practice of chelating minerals really to our benefit or a dangerous act of ignorance?" - Dr. Richard Schulze, "Exposing What Makes You Sick"
Paul Eilers is an Independent Member of The AIM Companies™