How We Mix BarleyLife Xtra in Juice For Our Picky Eater

We've had several people ask us how we mix BarleyLife Xtra in juice and water for Brady. 

Through a little bit of trial and error, we have found the following to be the best mixture for our picky eater son:
  • Two ounces of juice (white grape juice and apple juice mixed together)
  • Eight ounces of cold, filtered water
  • A teaspoon of BarleyLife Xtra
  • Put all of this in a sippy cup and shake well
  • Brady drinks six to eight sippy cups of this BarleyLife Xtra mixture a da
When it comes to your kids, feel free to experiment.

For example, Brady used to like his juice mixture at room temperature. As he got older, for whatever reason, he decided he wanted it to be cold. 

That's life with a picky eater!

So be flexible and see what works best for your kids.

BarleyLife Xtra is eighteen fruits and veggies in a powder. It's a quick and easy way for kids to get the nutrition they need every day.

To find out more about this nutritious green powder, Click Here.
Paul Eilers is an Independent Member of The AIM Companies™