Do You Believe The Media Flu Hype?

There are times when I'm leery of the news media. 

One of those occasions is during the flu season. The media has a vested interest in keeping us glued to the television. 

And one way they do this is through fear and hype.

Well, the recent flu hysteria is another case of where the hype did not meet expectations. In a recent Wall Street Journal article titled, "The Flu Season That Fizzled", experts are puzzled as to why the actual number of flu cases are well below normal levels.

"This is typically the peak of flu," said James Turner, executive director of the University of Virginia's department of student health. 

He said the Charlottesville, Va., student health center usually sees as many as 130 students a week complaining of flu symptoms this time of year. 

Recently, no more than three to five students a week have been coming in with fever, cough or other signs of flu, he said. 

Your best defense against the flu is a strong immune system. You can accomplish this through a number of ways, including nine or more servings a day of fruits and vegetables.

So next year, when the flu season is near, don't believe the media hype.
Paul Eilers is an Independent Member of The AIM Companies™