The Fat Cure - Dr. Russell Blaylock

The following is from The Blaylock Report:

From 1976 to 1980, 47.4 percent of Americans were overweight or obese.

During the years between 1988 and 1994, 56 percent fell into this category.

Today an amazing 65.2 percent of Americans are considered obese. The same is true of some thirty percent of children in California alone.

Eating is not a form of entertainment. Food has only one purpose: to supply your cells and tissues with the nutrients they need for proper function.

Many of the things we eat for pleasure can cause great harm. Virtually every disease suffered by humans is either caused by or worsened by poor nutrition.

Realize that diseases do not develop overnight. They are the result of years of abuse - much of it nutritional. 

The human body is amazingly resilient, but eventually things begin to fail. Then suddenly, disease becomes obvious.

Permanent weight loss and good health necessitate that you permanently change your lifestyle and nutrition. So-called yo-yo dieting is extremely harmful and can result in permanent damage to the heart and kidneys as well as other organs.

Causes of Obesity
  • Early exposure to MSG (excitotoxins)

  • Diet high in carbohydrates and sugar

  • Genetic causes with dietary trigger

  • Leptin insensitivity

  • Physical inactivity

  • Hypothyroidism

  • Reactive hypoglycemia

  • Brain injury (hypothalamus)

  • Food Additive Excitotoxin Names

  • Monosodium glutamate (MSG)

  • Synomyx™ (indirect)

  • Natural flavoring

  • Hydrolyzed vegetable protein

  • Protein isolate

  • Soy protein isolate

  • Hydrolyzed soy protein

  • Carrageenan

  • Plant protein extract

  • Sodium or calcium caseinate

  • Autolyzed yeast

  • Broth, stock and bouillon

  • Spices

The Blaylock Diet

While I have never written a diet book and don't intend to, controlling fat excess is really fairly simple:

Eat for health, not for pleasure.

This is not to say that a healthy diet has to taste bad. But it is critical to keep in mind that the goal is a diet that provides health. The loss of excess fat will always come when you follow a healthy diet.

First, we need to clear up a few things. I have never been able to convince people that weight doesn't matter - it is excess fat that matters.

Muscle weighs more than fat, so losing a lot of weight often means you are losing a lot of muscle, and that is not good. This is a problem especially common with very low-calorie diets.

Because the heart is also made of striated muscle, just like other muscles, it too is damaged by extreme weight loss.

This is why disorders like anorexia cause so many medical problems, and even death.

Severe weight loss can result in silent organ injury that can surface years later, leading to events like kidney and heart failure.

Most people abandon diets - not because they don't work, but because they forbid too many of their favorite foods. People demand that their meals taste delicious.

One obese young girl I counseled refused to give up her Cokes. When I asked her why, she said, "If I give up my Cokes, what will I do for fun?"

And that is the biggest problem - people see eating as a major form of entertainment.

The other big problem is so many eat diets high in sugar and carbohydrates in order to alleviate depression. This is especially true of women with PMS or endocrine-related depression. Sugar becomes their drug of choice.

However, Omega-3 fats can correct the depression and aid in weight loss.

One study even showed that omega-3 fats (N-3 fats) actually reduce the number of fat cells, which is even better than simply cutting out just some of the fat in the fat cells.

One of the things I always hear from the people who follow my diet recommendations is they feel so much better. They have more energy, they think more clearly and many of their aches and pains disappear.

The diet plan is as follows:

1. Eat A Lot of Vegetables

Eat five to ten servings of vegetables a day. This should include a mix from the following:

broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, mustard and turnip greens, kale, cilantro, endive, green lettuce, spinach, Swiss chard, bok choy, cabbage, collard greens, radishes, celery, tomatoes, artichoke, carrots,okra, turnips, onions, leeks and shallots.

A serving is one cup for loose, leafy vegetables and a half-cup for denser vegetables, such as radishes and celery. These should be eaten as a mixture of fresh and cooked vegetables.

However, if eaten raw they should be chewed well to release all the nutrients. You will benefit most from vegetables by either juicing them or (this is my favorite) "blenderizing" them.

This sufficiently breaks up the plant cells, which are encased in cell walls made of cellulose. Since we cannot digest cellulose, it is necessary to mechanically break down the cell walls to release the nutrients.

Consuming two servings of vegetables in their blenderized state is the same as eating five to seven servings raw.

Throw in some flax fiber, sugar-free blueberry concentrate and vitamin E succinate powder and you have one of the most powerful health drinks known to man.

The high fiber not only improves bowel function and reduces colon cancer risk, but it also slows down the absorption of carbohydrates (reducing hunger) and lowers insulin levels.

The blenderized vegetables' high volume of bulk also reduces hunger.

Of course, all vegetables should be cleansed thoroughly in a vegetable wash to remove pesticides and herbicides.

2. Avoid Excessive Carbohydrates

The three worst culprits are sweetened drinks (sodas and fruits drinks), pasta and breads.

While desserts are bad, they are never eaten in as high a volume as are these three carbs. How many people don't enjoy sliced breads, muffins, croissants, biscuits, rolls, etc.?

Breads are high on the glycemic index - a measure of how fast a carbohydrate is broken down and absorbed into the blood. The faster it enters the blood, the greater the secretion of insulin - the process that causes us to be hungry. Foods low on the index are absorbed more slowly.

Would you believe that white bread and potatoes are worse than sugar? Americans eat a ton of both with each meal.

Sodas and fruit juices (many of which have added sweeteners) are absorbed very rapidly because they are liquids. This makes them major culprits in the obesity epidemic.

Remember, sodas and fruits juices account for 42 percent of all sugar consumed by Americans.

Drink purified water instead - either distilled water or filtered water free of fluoride. If you drink distilled water you will need to supplement with magnesium.

Many people make a face when I tell them to drink water. They don't realize that purified water tastes good, unlike the chlorinated tap water most people remember.

Also, eat only one slice of whole grain bread a day.

Most commercial brands of bread contain a long list of additives, including soy products. Avoid them. One of the best brands of bread I have found is the 7 Sprouted Grain bread made by Food for Life.

Avoid pasta, pastries, cookies and other carbohydrates.

You will notice that I did not mention fruits in your diet. This is because fruits are high in sugar and will stimulate hunger. Yes, fruits are packed with a lot of good nutrition - but overall they will defeat your goals.

Your source of carbohydrates will be beans and lentils.

Years ago it was observed that Asians ate a diet high in carbohydrates, yet they had a low risk of heart attack and stroke.

We now know it's because they eat only carbohydrates that contain fiber.

Remember, fiber prevented MSG-induced obesity. By slowing carbohydrate absorption, fiber lowers insulin levels and thus reduces the risk of the metabolic syndrome and other insulin-related diseases.

3. Avoid Most Red Meats

By now, you know the dangers of red meats. One way to reduce the risk of red meat-induced diseases is to always eat it in combination with your blenderized vegetables. These flavonoids in these natural foods bind the meat's iron, preventing excessive absorption.

Numerous studies have illustrated that a combination of the two foods reduces cancer risk.

If you want an occasional steak, make sure the cattle are grass-fed and all the animals are individually tested for mad cow disease. However, it will be difficult. When one particular beef producer led the way by testing every cow, for some reason, the USDA stepped in and halted the testing.

Acceptable meats include turkey, ostrich, pork and chicken, and organically raised animals are the best.

Processed meats should be avoided, since most are heavily dosed with nitrites and injected with excitotoxin additives. A recent study found that eating these meats multiplies the risk of pancreatic cancer by 62 times.

So what about breakfast?

I suggest one or two Christopher eggs, which are from organically fed chickens and contain 660 mg. of omega-3 fats per egg.

In addition, the whites of these eggs provide excellent protein, while the yolk contains high-quality phospholipids that are vital to the brain. You can boil, poach or fry the egg in extra-virgin coconut oil. Add a dash of turmeric to the oil for extra flavor.

Turmeric is also a powerful antibacterial and antioxidant.

Personally, I like to eat turkey bacon for breakfast. First, I soak it in warm filtered water for ten minutes to remove nitrites and salt. I then add my own salt.

You might try a slice of the whole grain bread and use a little butter - not margarine.

4. The Importance of Exercise

Over an extended period, no diet will work without exercise. It's all about energy balance. If you are taking in more calories than you burn, the excess is stored as fat. To realign the balance, you need to increase the amount of energy you burn.

The beauty of exercise is that not only are you burning calories while you exercise - you continue to burn them hours later.

But not all exercise is the same. Muscle is the main engine burning fats and consuming calories. The more your muscles work, the easier it is to lose weight.

Starvation diets lower your thyroid function, making you tired. As a result, you tend not to exercise, and then weight loss becomes progressively more difficult. If you are having a lot of difficulty losing weight, I suggest you have your doctor perform a thyroid function test on you.

I caution readers to avoid aerobic exercise, as it leads to injuries and increased free radical generation.

You are best served doing moderate exercise employing weights or other resistance exercises. This builds muscle and is also the best way to increase insulin function, which will help you avoid diabetes.

To start, exercise about thirty minutes a day. As you begin to feel better and get back into shape, increase this to an hour a day.

Add to the resistance load accordingly.

Exercise is an excellent way to reduce depression and reduce binge eating. Exercise also promotes the release of growth hormones and this reduces body fat.

We must never lose sight of the role good nutrition plays in maintaining health.
Paul Eilers is an Independent Member of The AIM Companies™