Vacation, Work or a Bit of Both?

Following is a post written by my wife, Laura.

I haven't touched a computer in four days! I think it's a personal record. I'm on vacation! YEA!!! :) We arrived at Cathy's (my mother-in-law) house on Saturday morning at 10:40 am ET. We drove through the night, from Arkansas to North Carolina... it took us 16 hours.

My husband, Paul, and I planned for part of our vacation to be set aside to help Cathy get her garage and attic cleaned out. She's trying to sell her house so she can downsize. Having lived in her house for over thirty years, she has a lot of stuff to organize.

My father-in-law, Paul Sr., passed away last year. For twenty-five years, he ran a construction and remodeling business out of his garage. It was his domain and it was filled with all kinds of tools, equipment and other stuff.

In addition, the attic of their two story house was filled with Christmas decorations, clothes, junk, and boxes upon boxes of canceled business checks, old invoices, and miscellaneous paperwork.

We tackled the garage Sunday afternoon and did the attic yesterday. Paul, my son, Dylan, and nephew, Brendon, did most of the hard labor. To wrap things up, today, my husband and his mom took all the boxes of paper that were in the attic to the recycling center. Ta-da! We're finished!

Tomorrow, our real vacation begins. We are going to Atlantic Beach! Paul's mom, brother, David, and his kids, Brendon and Taylor, are going with us. I'll have pictures posted on the website within the next couple of days.

Until then...

I hope you're all having a great week so far!
Paul Eilers is an Independent Member of The AIM Companies™