Death by Blogging

I know there are a lot of people out there that love to get on the Internet and blog. Some days, I am on my computer more than I should be.

Lately, it has been raining here for days on end. Just the other night, we had a severe tornado warning. But today, it was nice outside. It was sunny and clear and not hot.

So my son Dylan and I got out out there and worked in the yard, mowing, trimming, edging, raking and blowing it all off. 

While we were working, his comment to me was, "It feels good out here."

I say this because I just came across an article. It's about people who blog too much, who put in long hours, often until exhaustion. 

The article goes on to talk about several people who have died recently, directly related to their online blogging activities.

In other words, it was death by blogging.

So consider getting off the computer and go do some healthy activity for yourself.
Paul Eilers is an Independent Member of The AIM Companies™