Are We Wrong About Fruit and Veggies?

Many scientific findings never see the light of day.

One reason?

They go up against the prevailing wisdom. The powers that be obviously don't want to upset the apple cart or admit they might have been wrong.

In this case, here's a scholarly book which questions the need for fruit and veggies in our daily diets.

"Harvard anthropologist-turned-Arctic- explorer V Stefansson, who was concerned with the overall healthfulness of the diet...he had spent a decade eating nothing but meat among the Inuit (Eskimos) of northern Canada and Alaska. The [Eskimos], as well as the visiting explorers and traders who lived on this diet were among the healthiest if not the most vigorous populations imaginable.

"Among the peoples with whom Stefansson lived and traveled, the diet was primarily caribou meat, "with perhaps 30 percent fish, 10 percent seal meat, and 5 or 10 percent made up of polar bear, rabbits, birds and eggs."

"The Inuit Eskimos considered vegetables and fruit 'not proper human food,' Stefansson wrote...

"The Canadian anthropologist Diamond Jenness, who spent two years living in...Canada's Arctic coast, described the typical diet during one three-month stretch as "no fruit, no vegetables; morning and night nothing but seal meat washed down with ice-cold water or hot broth."

"(The ability to thrive on such a vegetable-and fruit-free diet was also noted by the lawyer and abolitionist Richard Henry Dana, Jr., in his 1840 memoirs of life on a sailing ship...For sixteen months, Dana wrote, "We lived upon almost nothing but fresh beef; fried beefsteaks, three times a perfect health, and without ailings and failings.")

Author Gary Taubes comments:

"It is still common to assume that a meat-rich, plant-poor diet will result in nutritional deficiencies." - Good Calories, Bad Calories. Gary Taubes, 2007.

If that assumption turns out to be false today, what should we eat then, for optimal health?
Paul Eilers is an Independent Member of The AIM Companies™