Cancer-Fighting Power of Tomatoes and Broccoli
Broccoli and tomatoes, both of which have been previously found to help fight cancer, have been found to be even more effective against prostate cancer when eaten together as part of a daily diet.
Researchers fed rats who had been implanted with prostate cancer cells a diet containing 10 percent broccoli powder and 10 percent tomato powder for a period of 22 weeks.
Other rats received either one or the other but not both, a dose of lycopene (the substance in tomatoes believed fight cancer), or the drug finasteride. Another set of rats was castrated.
At the end of the study, the tomato and broccoli combination diet was the most effective treatment; only castration even came close in terms of effectiveness.
The combination of vegetables may be more effective than either one alone because different compounds in each food work on different anti-cancer pathways.
Cancer Research January 9, 2007 Full-Text PDF
Yahoo News January 16, 2007