TV - Is It Really Worth It?

  • Produces a hypnotic effect, bypassing the normal filtering mechanism of the brain 
  • Reduces interest in reading and learning. There has been a consistent decline in the average reading skills of our youth since TV began to be influential in the 1950s. 
  • Weakens brain power 
  • Encourages poor lifestyle habits. Advertising on children's programs promotes a variety of sugar-laden, high-fat foods. These foods have been proven to retard learning skills. 
  • Encourages obesity No physical activity, lowered metabolism, combined with high-fat snacks. Childhood obesity now affects one out of four children. 
  • Increases daydreaming 
  • Weakens creativity 
  • May reduce our powers of judgment 
  • You can become desensitized to what was once shocking to you. What was once shocking to you is now a normal part of life. 
  • Influences viewers to lightly regard violence 
  • Makes children more irritable. Studies show children who watch television are prone to have bad attitudes. 
  • Encourages aggressive behavior, lying and disrespect 
  • Presents a distorted perspective on sex. The more television watched, the lower the age for their first sexual encounter. 
  • Can easily become addictive 
  • Takes time away from achieving goals 
  • Takes time away from building family relationships 
  • Clutters our minds with negative messages and makes it more difficult to focus our thoughts on God and His word 

Many times television watching is a symptom of low energy, depression, of needing a break, or of escaping life's challenges. Turning the television off helps us address our underlying true needs and reach our goals.

You can avoid the negative effects of TV by finding other more relaxing activities. Try reading a good inspiring book, taking a stroll, taking a nap, or working on a hobby. Fill your time with things that will get you to your goals. 

Do we have cable and watch TV? 


We simply limit how much television we watch. Anything that you do to an extreme is usually not good for you. It's a matter of balance. 

Source: The Plan B Diet by Greg Westbrook
    Paul Eilers is an Independent Member of The AIM Companies™