The Food Source for All Forms of Life

Plants are the source of Real Food for all life forms. The plant kingdom utilizes sunshine, carbon dioxide, oxygen, water and organic minerals in the process of photosynthesis to feed itself and grow. The result is a living plant (food for animal consumption) containing:
  • glucose 
  • protein 
  • fatty acids 
  • organic minerals 
  • organic enzymes (vitamins) 
  • water (pure)
Inorganic Mineral from the Earth + Photosynthesis = Organic Minerals from Plants, which provide Protein and Enzymes for animals and humans.

The animal kingdom does not possess the ability to perform photosynthesis, therefore must rely on the plant kingdom to prepare its food.

Any form of processing nature's foods (such as cooking, pasteurization, adding preservatives, etc.) breaks the bonds between the food components and their attached enzymes as well as destroys the enzyme. The result is inorganic or denatured food components and thus inorganic food.

The enzyme must be alive and attached to the mineral or food component in order for the body to utilize it. The enzyme acts as a "passport" to get the mineral into the cell of the body and aids in the cell's utilization of that mineral.

Raw foods are living and thus produce life in the body; because they have intact enzymes they are organic. Enzymes are catalysts - substances which help the body work more efficiently in utilizing food for life maintaining purposes.

An example of an inorganic substance is table salt. It is simply sodium and chloride. No enzymes, thus it is dead and the body cannot use it. Our bodies cannot attach an enzyme to inorganic substances, except at great cost. It is only the plant kingdom, through the process of photosynthesis, that can attach enzymes to inorganics and make them living or organic.

The more we process a food, the less nutrient value it retains. This is because living foods are organic foods. Processed foods, to various degrees, are inorganic or "dead" foods.

The following is the hierarchy of food preparation starting at the top with no preparation leaving the food with its full nutrient content, ending at the bottom with the most processing, rendering the food dead and useless to the body - little or no nutrient value retained:


Juiced and consumed immediately. Once the skin of fruits or vegetables is broken, oxygen combines with the enzymes and kills them. This process is called oxidation.


Loses 2 to 5 percent of nutrient value
Dried without chemicals or additives
Commercial brands of dried fruit contain sulfur-dioxide; exception: raisins 


Freshly picked and frozen immediately
Loses 5 to 30 percent of nutrient value


Loses 15 to 60 percent of nutrient value
Steamed means the green bean is still a bit crispy (if it's limp, its cooked) 


Baked, broiled, boiled, grilled, steamed too long, home canned
The green bean is limp
Loses 40 to 100 percent of nutrient value, depending on how long it is cooked 

Loses 90 to 99 percent of nutrient value


These not only lose 100 percent of their nutrient value, but have toxins added to them. 

Source: Dr. Joel Robbins, M.D., N.D., D.C., PhD in BioChemistry, Founder of The College of Natural Health. 

"Eating for Health and Wellness"
Paul Eilers is an Independent Member of The AIM Companies™