Nursing Home Facts

  • Forty percent of people over 65 will spend some time in a nursing home. (HIAA Long Term Care, January 2001) 
  • The average length of of stay in a nursing home is 2.6 years. (Conning & Company, Long-Term Care Insurance - "Baby Boom or Bust?" 1999) 
  • As a national average, a year in a nursing home is estimated to cost more than $50,000. (HIAA Long Term Care, January 2001) 
  • In 2001, assisted living facilities reported charging an average fee of $1,873 per month or $22,476 per year. (National Center for Assisted Living. Facts and Trends: The Assisted Living Sourcebook, 2001) 
  • A person with Alzheimer's Disease will live an average of eight years and as many as twenty years or more from the onset of symptoms. The lifetime average cost per patient is $174,000. (Alzheimer’s Association, 
  • Statistics show 40 percent of people receiving long term care services are working age adults, between the ages of 18 and 64. (Conning & Company, Long term care insurance - "Baby Boom or Bust?" 1999) 

For many people, getting old means being farmed out somewhere to a nursing home. Hopefully, the facility is a good one.

Many others cannot afford nursing home care. They'll be forced to move in with a son or daughter. Maybe it will not be too much of a burden.

Why not go ahead and make sure this doesn't happen to you? Think about taking charge of your own health. You'll be glad you did.

Using sound nutritional principles, you can be healthy and independent well into your golden years.
Paul Eilers is an Independent Member of The AIM Companies™