How to Keep Osteoporosis Away

According to a recently released report, regular exercise is as important as a calcium-rich diet for avoiding the crippling bone disease osteoporosis.

The International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF), in its new report, "Move it or Lose it," notes bone is a living tissue that renews itself continuously and requires regular stimulation from physical activity to prevent deterioration.

People develop a peak bone mass when they hit adulthood, but it eventually begins to decline. It was at one time thought maintaining the peak for as long as possible depended mostly on diet. 

However, recent studies show exercise is important too.

Women who sit for more than nine hours a day, for example, are 50 percent more likely to suffer a hip fracture than those who sit less than six hours a day.

In addition, young girls who are the most physically active can gain some 40 percent more bone mass than their more sedentary counterparts. 

And, a 2001 report found the bone mass girls accumulate from ages 11-13 equals the same amount they lose during the three decades that pass after they reach menopause.

Weight-bearing and high-impact exercises are ideal for stimulating bone formation. Osteoporosis strikes one in three women over fifty years of age worldwide, as well as one in five men.

Osteoporosis affects one in three women and one in five men over the age of fifty largely because many are clueless about what they can do to prevent this problem.

Most people have little appreciation how powerful exercise can be in preserving bone density. Just as exercise and diet work in tandem to beat to obesity, the same can be said for osteoporosis.

Diet is, of course, also tremendously important for strong bones. One thing you can do if you have low bone density, or are worried about it in the future, is to increase your consumption of vegetables.

Remember, what may be healthy for others is not necessarily healthy for you and vice-versa, so eating according to your metabolic type is really an incredible way to determine what you are naturally designed to eat.

It is also important to remember another basic tool of sun exposure to maintain your bone health. I am not talking about casual few-minute exposure on your face and hands, but the healthy dose you receive while wearing shorts and either no shirt or a sport bra for women.

Source: The Plan B Diet by Greg Westbrook
Paul Eilers is an Independent Member of The AIM Companies™