How Much Meat Should You Eat?

The Plan B Diet is made up of God's basic, whole foods. It is a dynamic diet that can work for everyone: young, old, sick, healthy, underweight, overweight, highly active people and inactive people.

The Living Pendulum is a tool to help you determine how much raw food and animal products you need, based on your health and activity level.

The Living Pendulum
  • 75 percent Raw Cleansing and Healing. No Animal Products (0-3 Times a Week) - Less Active Lifestyle 
  •  50 percent Raw Some Animal Products (Up to Once Daily) - Moderately Active 
  •  25 percent Raw Build Muscle, Bones and Teeth. More Animal Products Allowed. (Up to Twice Daily) - Active Lifestyle 
Those who are overcoming serious disease and health problems may need to do a high raw food, low animal product diet for a temporary period of time to cleanse and heal. These people would be toward the left side of the pendulum.

Others who are highly active and healthy (e.g. teenagers and athletes) will need to move more to the right of the pendulum and eat more cooked food and protein.

People who would also fall to the right side of the pendulum are those who are working to recover from deficiencies they developed from restrictive dieting, or from an overextended time of eating a vegan diet.

Most people will fall to the middle of the pendulum curve of 50 percent raw food with some animal products. This is a balanced approach that can be maintained for life.

Why The Living Pendulum?

Rigid plans are the number one reasons why diets don't work for people. 

It's like trying to pound squares, triangles, rectangles, and circles and a hundred other shapes into a single hole that's shaped only for squares. 

It's simply not going to work for everyone - God made us all too wonderfully unique - we have different schedules, different nutritional needs, and different lifestyles.

The Plan B Diet has build-in flexibility tailored to meet the unique needs of your body and lifestyle.

Source: The Plan B Diet™ by Greg Westbrook
Paul Eilers is an Independent Member of The AIM Companies™