Do You Have Diabetes?
Do you have diabetes and not even know it?
Almost one-third of adults in the United States - that's 73 million people - have diabetes, according to research.
A breakdown of the numbers shows that 19 million Americans have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, and one-third of them do not know they have the disease.
Another 26 percent of Americans have impaired fasting glucose, a form of pre-diabetes in which blood sugar levels are higher than normal but not yet high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes.
Almost one-third of adults in the United States - that's 73 million people - have diabetes, according to research.
A breakdown of the numbers shows that 19 million Americans have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, and one-third of them do not know they have the disease.
Another 26 percent of Americans have impaired fasting glucose, a form of pre-diabetes in which blood sugar levels are higher than normal but not yet high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes.
Along with an increased risk of diabetes, impaired fasting glucose raises a person's risk of heart disease.
Based on the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, diagnosed diabetes in the nation rose from 5.1 percent from 1988-1994, to 6.5 percent from 1999-2002. When the 2.8 percent of undiagnosed cases is added in, the researchers said that a full 9.3 percent of the population has diabetes.
The researchers pointed out that type 2 diabetes is often preventable by following a healthy diet and exercising.
So if you are overweight or are older than forty-five, you should have your fasting blood sugar checked every year to find out if you are at risk for this devastating disease, which can rob you of your kidneys and eyesight.
Diabetes is also the most common reason why people have their limbs amputated, and it can cause very painful and debilitating nerve conditions.
By the way, there is a cure for Type 2 Diabetes
Even the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine has acknowledged that diet and exercise can completely eliminate diabetes. It is byproduct of poor lifestyle choices, including processed foods and inadequate exercise.
Diabetes Care June 2006, Vol. 29, No. 6: 1263-1268
Based on the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, diagnosed diabetes in the nation rose from 5.1 percent from 1988-1994, to 6.5 percent from 1999-2002. When the 2.8 percent of undiagnosed cases is added in, the researchers said that a full 9.3 percent of the population has diabetes.
The researchers pointed out that type 2 diabetes is often preventable by following a healthy diet and exercising.
So if you are overweight or are older than forty-five, you should have your fasting blood sugar checked every year to find out if you are at risk for this devastating disease, which can rob you of your kidneys and eyesight.
Diabetes is also the most common reason why people have their limbs amputated, and it can cause very painful and debilitating nerve conditions.
By the way, there is a cure for Type 2 Diabetes
Even the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine has acknowledged that diet and exercise can completely eliminate diabetes. It is byproduct of poor lifestyle choices, including processed foods and inadequate exercise.
Diabetes Care June 2006, Vol. 29, No. 6: 1263-1268
Yahoo News May 26, 2006
USA Today May 29, 2006