Disease and Its Cause - Part II

As the tissues take in toxins from the blood, they will initially attempt to eliminate the toxins from the body. This elimination of toxins is not through the normal channels of elimination, because this would require the toxins to pass through the blood stream. Rather an alternate avenue is used which is not designed for elimination. This is called vicarious elimination.

The more vitality (the higher the health level) the tissues have, the more irritability they possess, thus the more vigorous will be the eliminative reaction of the tissues, or the more intense will be the symptoms of elimination. These symptoms of elimination are known as either an acute illness or a sub acute illness.

The toxins eliminated from the body via acute and sub acute illnesses are generally through a tissue that is on the surface of the body; e.g..: skin, mucus membranes. (See chart on page 21.)

Acute and sub acute illnesses are carried out with the aid of the endocrine system - mainly thyroid and adrenal glands.

As the toxic input continues, combined with suppression of acute cleansing reactions (via drugs, herbs, etc.) the cells continue to become more toxic, more acid, and have a lowered vitality. Desensitized, the tissues can no longer afford the energy or nutrient resources required for an acute cleansing response, and must resort to a less efficient mode of vicarious elimination. This is known as chronic disease. While chronic diseases generally utilize the various surfaces of the body, the main differentiating factor between acute/sub acute illnesses and chronic diseases, is that chronic diseases are not carried out at the expense of the endocrine system, or at least, not to the degree of the acute/sub acute illness.

With continued wrong living and eating habits, the continued suppression of eliminative processes, the continued depletion of alkaline supplies, the continued toxicity of the tissues, the vitality of the cells decreases to the level that the cells can no longer afford the energy required to produce even minimal vicarious elimination (as in chronic diseases). 

All the body can afford to do is simply store the toxins in the tissues where they remain. This at least keeps the blood stream from becoming acid, negating immediate death. 

As a result of this long term storage of toxins, the tissues involved begin to degenerate, meaning the tissues are altered from their normal or designed structure. This is known as a chronic degenerative disease. The functioning of the cells, and thus tissues, is therefore altered greatly. The tissues, in essence, are mutated from their normal state.

Death of the body results when one or a combination of the following is true:
The vitality of the body is so low that it can no longer mobilize toxins out of the blood stream into the tissues, resulting in acid/toxic blood.

The cells of the body no longer possess adequate alkaline to neutralize acids in the blood stream, resulting in acid blood.

The cells of the body (may be a localized area, e.g..: heart) become so acid and toxic that they can no longer function efficiently enough to carry on their part of the life process.

If illness is stopped through detoxification, and wrong living habits continue, the toxins which the body was attempting to eliminate via the illness or disease will be driven deeper into the body setting the stage for a more toxic, more serious, more chronic disease.

Source: Dr. Joel Robbins, M.D., N.D., D.C., PhD in BioChemistry, Founder of The College of Natural Health.
"Eating for Health and Wellness"
Paul Eilers is an Independent Member of The AIM Companies™