Federal Government Rethinks Food Pyramid

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Americans eat too much bread. Such foods account "for more than twice as much sodium as salty junk food like potato chips."

So the same federal government that told us for two decades to eat more bread is now telling us we eat too much bread.

Are you confused yet?

The original government food pyramid advocated the consumption of bread.

Notice how big is the bottom? 

See the suggestion of six to eleven bread, cereal, rice and pasta servings each day?

Why did the government originally push the consumption of "healthy whole grains"? 

According to Eat, Drink and Be Healthy, the government wanted to help wheat farmers through the recommendations of the Department of Agriculture.

Dr. Walter Willett of Harvard Medical School says the original food pyramid ignored the hard evidence against grains:

"There's an inherent problem with the USDA creating the pyramid. The economic interests are so strong... It's very difficult for them to be objective, so it's probably the worst possible agency to do the pyramid."

When it comes to your health, should you trust the government?
Paul Eilers is an Independent Member of The AIM Companies™