Sunshine: It’s a Good Thing!

"It is not possible for us to attain and sustain a full degree of health unless we establish and maintain an intelligent relationship with the sun." - Harvey Diamond, Fit for Life

"Biologically we need natural sunlight. Deny it for too long and the immune system will suffer. At least one-half to one hour of direct sunlight a day is requisite for the body's system to produce proper hormonal levels and assist alkaline-acid balances." - Dr. T.A. Baroody, Alkalize or Die

"If the human skin is not exposed to solar radiation (direct or scattered) for long periods of time, disturbances will occur in the physiological equilibrium of the human system. The result will be functional disorder of the nervous system, and a vitamin-D deficiency, a weakening of the body's defense, and an aggravation of chronic diseases." From report presented at The International Committee on Illumination in Washington, D.C. - John Ott, Health and Light

The Benefits of Sunshine
  • Supplies vital nutrients 
  • Improves muscle tone and strength 
  • Improves energy levels 
  • Improves calcium assimilation 
  • Best source of vitamin D 
  • Improves blood pressure 
  • Improves and prevents skin problems 
  • Has been used in treatment of anemia, rickets and tuberculosisImproves digestion and assimilation 
  • Causes deeper sleep 
  • Improves bone health and is important for bone metabolismImproves quality and quantity of mother's milk 

Source: Joel Robbins, College of Natural Health

Guidelines for Getting Sunshine
  • Getting in the sun can help build and revitalize the entire body. 
  • Gradual exposure is best. Those with fair skin, blonde or red hair and/or blue eyes need to go slower. A sunburn is not healthful. 
  • Start with ten minutes of direct sunlight exposure and work up until an hour or more may be taken without harm. The less clothing, the more benefit. 
  • Give careful attention to the amount of sun you are getting. The sun's rays are most intense around the noon hour. 
  • Avoid suntan lotions and oils since they may: (1) Prevent ultraviolet radiation from being absorbed by the body. (2) Inhibit oil secreting glands from working properly. (3) Be toxic to the skin and body when absorbed. 
  • For those who burn easily or must be out in the sun for long periods of time, you may need to use some means of protection. To get some benefit from the sun, yet protect yourself: (1) Wear a wide-brimmed hat. Straw is best because it offers some ventilation, yet gives good protection. (2) Wear a light-colored, 100 percent cotton, long-sleeved shirt. You will still get some sun through the cloth. (3) Wear light cotton slacks for coolness. (4) If you are dressed with protective clothing while working in the sun, you can stay cool by taking the hose and giving yourself a good spraying. 
  • Don't let cloudy and/or cool days fool you. It's not the heat that causes burning. The ultraviolet and infrared sun rays are still there and you can get a sunburn. 
  • Don't forget to try to get some sun in the winter! It is not just a tan that you're getting, but as Harvey Diamond said in his book, Fit for Life II, you're also getting "a general revitalizing of your entire body that is not confined to the skin alone."
Source: The Plan B Diet™ by Greg Westbrook
Paul Eilers is an Independent Member of The AIM Companies™