A Way to Boost Your Energy

Ever wonder why you struggle to stay awake throughout the day, especially in the afternoon? 

Do you get tired and sleepy after eating lunch? 

Here's a way to boost your energy levels and get immediate results.

Basically, the simpler your meals are, the easier it is on your digestive system. 

You can lose up to eighty percent of your energy trying to digest poorly combined foods. 

When you eat simpler meals, it doesn't strain your digestive system and you'll have energy left over for other activities.

A Simple Rule to Follow

A simple rule to follow is to try not to eat a protein with a starch at the same meal. 

(A cheeseburger with fries, for example, or meat and potatoes.) 

By sticking with this basic principle, you will enjoy a better breakdown and absorption of nutrients, more comfortable digestion and a lot more energy.

A concentrated starch is foods such as potatoes, rice, bread, pasta, corn and all grains. 

These foods need to be chewed well, so that the digestive enzymes in your saliva can start acting on the starch. 

Once the food has left your stomach, the ultimate aim is to break these starches down into simple sugars, which is the only way that they can be absorbed into the bloodstream.

Concentrated proteins are foods such as meat, chicken, fish, eggs and many cheeses. 

(Most nuts and seeds also fall into this category.) 

These foods digest differently than starches. 

When protein enters the stomach, hydrochloric acid is stimulated in direct proportion to the amount of protein eaten. The hydrochloric acid then activates pepsin, which is a protein-digesting enzyme. 

Pepsin breaks the protein down into amino acids, which is the only way that the body can absorb protein.

Now here's the interesting part. Protein digests in a more acid environment than starch. 

When you combine proteins and starches in your stomach, the hydrochloric acid neutralizes the digestion of the starch. This causes the starches to be partially digested and then start to ferment. 

It also causes the protein to rot because it's not digested properly.

The result of this fermenting mess is alcohol, acetic acid (stronger than vinegar) and ammonia. These substances are poisonous to your body and end up in your blood stream. 

What results are unpleasant things such as flatulence, heartburn, spastic colon, allergies and headaches.

It can take double the time to digest a poorly combined meal, so the body has to expend a lot of energy and time on trying to sort out the mess in the stomach. 

The result is, of course, a lack of energy. 

(Think about how you felt after your last Thanksgiving meal.)

Another Cause of Fatigue

When you eat a meal high in fats, such as fried foods, potato chips, french fries or cheese, it destroys the B vitamins in your body and causes fatigue. 

This is due to the sludging of your blood.

The fats from your meal enter the blood stream and immediately coat your circulating blood cells. 

Blood cells normally bounce off each other and are flexible enough to bend and twist through the smallest blood vessels, taking blood to all the cells in all the tissues. 

Once coated with fat, however, they lose that essential elasticity. They clump together and become almost rigid.

This lowers oxygen supply to your blood and worsens circulation to your tissues, especially your brain, causing you to feel sluggish and sleepy.

One of the immediate benefits of correct food combining and consuming a diet low in fats is the increase in energy levels. 

You wake up in the morning feeling rested and refreshed, instead of groggy or listless. You'll avoid being tired and sleepy after lunch.

And you'll most likely correct any digestive problems, any allergies and low energy.

The improvement in the overall quality of your life is well worth the small sacrifices and discipline involved.
Paul Eilers is an Independent Member of The AIM Companies™